May 8, 2009 #1 cronicler Lurksalot As I said, Something to make your game more Bearable [youtube][/youtube]
As I said, Something to make your game more Bearable [youtube][/youtube]
May 22, 2009 #4 J JunWisewar It Wandered In From the Wastes Wonder how bad it will turn out to be if that bear wear Power Armour.....
May 22, 2009 #5 F FeelTheRads Vault Senior Citizen AWESoMe! What other gaem lets you play as a toy baer?!!!!1
May 22, 2009 #6 Alphadrop A right proper chap. Conker's Bad Fur Day (multiplayer) and Fur Fighters to name two.
May 28, 2009 #7 radioactive_penguin First time out of the vault if only Bethesda had made it this way to begin with then we wouldn't have to take it seriously and hate on it for failing to be as awesome as fallout 1 and 2
if only Bethesda had made it this way to begin with then we wouldn't have to take it seriously and hate on it for failing to be as awesome as fallout 1 and 2