Sort of a fan art.

RE: The Great Dictator

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-02 AT 00:51AM (GMT)[p]Your NPC's think you are the greatest thing since Mr.Handy
no matter how evil you realy are.
Your small stature and weak physical strength have always been a weakness, however, to make up for that, you have spent many years learning how to get your way without physically doing anything yourself. As such, your high charisma and brilliant speech skill have made you into a Great Dictator. You've never had any problems getting your way and making people do things for you, even your NPCs believe that your word is law and will follow you blindly into any situation, no matter how suicidal.

Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)