[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-27-00 AT 02:29PM (GMT)[p]All the Fallout trainers have been written in C++, the only programs that are in VB6 are FIME by Garry, ResDAT (6 programs for DAT packing, managing, extraction, etc.) by me

, Fallout ACM Station (not launched yet) by me, DatMan (in development) by Garry and me, and FUCK (or FaCE) by me.
All of them have been compiled and written in Visual Basic 6 Enterprise Edition SP3, if you want the sources for anyone of them, ask me and I can send anyone of them. (I can't send you the indev programs, sorry)
If you're an experienced VB programmer and you would like to work on Fallout modding, go to the The Mod Squad at
http://www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com/ and post your request in the modding forum