First time out of the vault

Hi there,
in the download section I found an entry of "Jason Mical's Fallout PnP". I donwloaded it and read the files, but I was a little confused:
Is it true, that the two sourcebooks "Great Wastes sourcebook" and "Tribes sourcebook" aren't finished? Does anyone have a finished version or does one know about ohter sourcebooks concerning with the wasteland / the tribes?
Greeting, warlord-inc
in the download section I found an entry of "Jason Mical's Fallout PnP". I donwloaded it and read the files, but I was a little confused:
Is it true, that the two sourcebooks "Great Wastes sourcebook" and "Tribes sourcebook" aren't finished? Does anyone have a finished version or does one know about ohter sourcebooks concerning with the wasteland / the tribes?
Greeting, warlord-inc