Jul 20, 2006 #1 G GhostOfCassidy First time out of the vault So uh... Does that crashed federation shuttle in FO2 have any bit of significance whatsoever?
Jul 20, 2006 #2 Per Vault Consort Staff member Admin You can find a couple of items if you look around. Otherwise, nothing.
Jul 20, 2006 #3 killap Bear Dude Moderator Modder Not that I am aware of. Just another easter egg the designers decided to throw in.
Jul 20, 2006 #4 G GhostOfCassidy First time out of the vault What about that guy that says "oil can"?
Jul 20, 2006 #5 Per Vault Consort Staff member Admin Same thing for all special encounters except the forced encounter with Horrigan.
Jul 20, 2006 #6 G GhostOfCassidy First time out of the vault Refresh my memory of who Horrigan is, please
Jul 20, 2006 #7 Per Vault Consort Staff member Admin Well, you don't actually know his name is Horrigan the first time you meet him. So that would be a spoiler. It's nothing you have to worry about.
Well, you don't actually know his name is Horrigan the first time you meet him. So that would be a spoiler. It's nothing you have to worry about.
Jul 20, 2006 #8 Silencer Night Watchman Staff member Admin http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8325&highlight= Search thy fora.
Jul 20, 2006 #9 Ashmo Half-way Through My Half-life Orderite Horrigan? Big menacing guy who looks like a cheap excuse for an end boss. SPOILER TIME! He also *is* the end boss.
Horrigan? Big menacing guy who looks like a cheap excuse for an end boss. SPOILER TIME! He also *is* the end boss.