Special Random Encounters List

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Here's some of the better random encounters I've run into.
these might be considered

*** spoilers ***

So far killing anyone in any of the special encounters will badly affect your rep and rank. so don't do it.

Brahmin Poker - 29000 ring pulls on table (what the hell are ring pulls anyway)

Gas Station - Grandma has an elixer of life, perminantly increases EN by +1 steal or barter for it.

Merchant - can't trade with the merchant, but his guards have a total of 4 pancor jackhammers (best auto shotgun) to steal, and he has some nice ammo for them.

Farm - steal some junk off of the farmer

Hermit - steal some junk off of the hermit

Bazzar Day - bunch of traders, DON'T KILL THEM or your rep and rank will be affected badly, you can steal a demonthorn coat off of one and sell it for about 2000, there are a few armors here, none of which anyone can actually equip.

Brothers Grim - two supermutants, you need to use first aid on one, then they leave, a little xp as reward, nothing to steal.

Reaver Dance - a bunch of reavers dancing on a stage, you cannot attack them or affect them in any way.

Normal encounters:

Basicly travel w-sw to get these in about this order from the initial base. an outdoorsman of 100 will let you always choose wether to encounter these or not, great for exploring and getting only those encounters you want.

Citizens - don't kill but good for stealing shotgun ammo & combat shotguns from, can also steal a small ammount of 9mm ap. Also get from dead bodies when encountered with radscorpions. The ones encountered farther away from the base don't have anything

Tribals - wimpy but friendly.

Raiders - typical raiders you encountered in the first mission.

Ghouls - fairly rare enounter, have halfway decent weapons and occasional concussion grenade (better than frag), not too tough, always unfriendly.

Beastlords - wimpy asses in encounters, never have any good weapons, but often have random monster slaves, raiders are tougher, but beastlords give pretty good xp (about 70 xp ea) and are the best of the humanoids to kill if you just want xp fast.

Mutants - Toughest things I've encountered when they are armored. good for ammassing 7.62 ammo and loot if you are good with snipers. I don't reccommend fighting them untill just before St. Lois. The unarmored ones with mele weapons are pushovers and good xp. The ones with rocket launchers you want to be in TB and run them over and stay on top of them until you kill them off, so you can keep the ammo (and not get blown up.)

Reavers - pushovers in my opinion (at least compared to mutants) especially once you get sniper rifles. Get laser and plasma rifles from them early. They also cary micro sledges wich as far as I can tell are the best mele weapons in the game. Many will cary crappy but expensive burst weapons and many will have a load of 5mm ammo, so if you want 5mm ammo go kill these guys. Watch out for ones with grenade launchers, kill them first or run away, these also sell for quite a bit.

Monster encounters, no loot on any of them:

Deathclaws - encountered mostly on the northmost and southmost squares on the map, if you have ammo and the hummer these are the best things to kill for xp, giving more xp than even mutants or reavers, and far easier to kill especially to burst weapons, easy marks in CTB too for fast xp. They give about 110 for babies and 170 for adults.

Wolves & Dogs - about 40 xp each and taking only a couple shots to kill, very easy xp, but not large ammounts.

Cockroaches - hard to kill for the 40 xp ea and spit nasty poison, definatly avoid encounters with them (unless encountered with something you are looking for) the small ones only take 1 or two hits but are only worth 10 xp

Radscorpions - very hard to kill for the xp (between 10 and 50), avoid encounters with them they will suck up your ammo (unless encountered with something you are looking for).

Komodo Dragons - A lot of hp for the xp (about 30) not too tough though.

Wasps - you need a high weapons skill to hit these as they present a small target, I don't recommend fighting them unless encountered with something, usually that something will kill them alot faster than you will.

Giant Rats - Fairly tough, but give about 60 xp, next best thing to Deathclaws or beastlords for xp.

Generally any encounter is easier when two things are encountered togeather as they will focus their attention on whatever is closest while you pick them off from a distance. The exception was one time I encountered reavers & mutants, they decided to work togeather to attempt to kill me off. Sometimes when you encounter one monster they are are actually two rival familys and will attack each other.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-01 AT 00:12AM (GMT)[p]>Brahmin Poker - 29000 ring pulls
>on table (what the hell
>are ring pulls anyway)

The little pull tabs off of soda and beer cans. I guess it's kind of a joke on the fact that on the west coast the main currency is bottlecaps.


Ah, pull tabs, never heard em called ring pulls...

Two more special encounters - first one I forgot, the next I just found

Pitch Black - you are on a map and can't see anything except for a few glowing puddles of goo. Redic shows up and says stay in the light. As you go toward the light the grey dots on the map turn to red and you find out they are death claws comming for you. There are two ways to get through this. 1) run like hell for the exit. 2) you can lure 6 death claws at a time back to where you start for a kill zone. I wasn't very high level when I got this but I managed to kill them all anyway. It's rather hard to target them in the darkness. Redic dies rather quick if you try to kill the deathclaws...

Brahmin Tipping - Tip over brahmin. no loot, no talking, no nothing except tipping over brahmin.
Ive also found one called Brahmin armour, It seems to be a square enclosure with 1 brahmin inside but it is protected by 2 auto sentry lasers and 2 auto sentry rocket launchers, I am too low a level to get into the enclosure so I cant tell if there is anything interesting inside.

Also Uprising, but I think that has been posted elsewhere.
I Found 2 other interesting ones:

1. Coppertops-A bunch of people running on tredmills to create batteries for some robot in a big factory. You can unlock the lockers and collect 1000 small energy cells.
2. Canadian Invasion-A bunch of totally wimpy tribals in a ditch who attack you. Nothing good on them except for the Modified Super Soaker (water gun that shoots acid) Its actually quite powerful against the "new threat" considering you have enough ammo (super rare i think).
I encountered a B-1000 in the form of a brahmin at a power station... melts to slooshes when attacked but always regenerates with 999 hp

Killing gives you 4 exp and negative modifiers to rank.
I found the Brahmin Armor encounter. All of the turrets exploded after one hit. Kind of nice. They didn't even fire on me. Of course, I had sniper rifles and laser rifles, as well as a couple suits of power armor, so I could have handled the battle regardless. Anyway, it appears that you only have to damage them, and they'll explode. (Don't do an aimed shot.)

As to what you find, it's a suit of Brahmin Armor (surprise!). Put it on, and your character looks like a brahmin. But it's not as good as Environmental Armor, so I didn't use it. It's probably pretty close in protection to Metal or Metal Mk. II, and you don't get any penalties to sneak or any other skills.

A couple of other encounters:

The Titanic. You find a gem that's worth a few thousand, and a paper that has "A crude stick figure with large breasts" or something like that. Heheh....

There's also a Merchant encounter, guarded by a bunch of "friendly" raiders. Nothing special to trade for.
RE: Most of them aren't...

I've found the encounters in different places than they were the first time I played, but the general encounter areas seem to be the same. for instance I found the brothers grim where I found the farmer last time and l33tists where the farmer was etc. I found the gas station encounter (grandma) just north of a little eye shaped white feature somewhat south of Kansas City.

Also I have to revise my brothers grim -
One brother has a science and repair book to steal, but they wander off the map. I tried getting off the map before they did by going into tb mode, but when I came back with Babs, it whent immediately into TB mode and was stuck on computers turn. I had to reload and give up.

and my Pitch Black encounter again -
If you manage to keep Riddick alive he will show up in your recruit pool at some time. He's nothing special though, unless you want a sneaky hth type. You can keep him alive by waiting for him to go to the exit grid before luring the deathclaws out.

As for humanoid encounters I have to revise that too.
you cannot encounter Mutants or Reavers untill you have passed certain missions, you can wander around in the areas they would normally be in and get almost no encounters with anything compared to normal, and you will never get Mutants or Reavers... This irritates me as I was hopeing to get Reavers for some Plasma Rifles and more ammo for my M16's before my first Mutant mission, but they aren't available at that point (Muntants are though, so I've got a ton of frag granades, which will definately be used, and a tiny ammount of M2 ammo)

I also encountered CLF vs. LFC or whatever, nothing interesting here unless you want to steal some healing powder, whoopie...
No one has bothered to mention the mir encounter. I don't think there is anything to collect on this one.
RE: Most of them aren't...

a few things, the Grim Brothers, if you heal em, then you can get em in your party later in the game. i also found a bunch of people reinacting the invasion of canada.
RE: Most of them aren't...

Well thier is as well the mire crash site airhearts plain and a group or merchantes talking like the beggers in EC ont eh game everquest :) MWAHAHAAH THE VIRES SPREADS MWAHAHAH.. but any how.
I found one that is the Mir space station. There is nothing there. Just a crashed space station. I also got one that was called the Komodo man, or something like that. It's a joke on the Crocodile Hunter TV show. Some guy pretending to be the Croc Hinder is screwing with a Komodo dragon and gets killed
Yeah i got Mir, and Komodo Man, & Titanic this time. Komodo man was where I got the Gas Station last time, which I'm still looking for.

I got the brahmin armor encounter, the armor is worse than any of the metal ones, I think it's about the same as Leather (not mark II). I'm wondering if it is usefull for sneaking around looking like a brahmin and all.

I got a blank encounter with a bunch of invisable people saying "Energizer Bunny" "It keeps going and going". I managed to kill the lot with some burst fire, but no bodies to loot and lowers your rep.

I didn't see the Gem in the Titanic encounter, I'll have to look more carefully I guess . I got the "note" I laughed my ass off ;)

I also got the canadian invasion one with the super soaker with acid, the gun really sucks, so don't sweat it if you don't find it. something like 20 range and 5-27 damage, only holds two shots. Comes with 75 "rounds" of acid.

I still haven't ever found the Four Horsemen encounter...
I think one of the random encounters cause my character to switch places. How can I change it back? Anyone have any ideas?
>I got the brahmin armor encounter,
>the armor is worse than
>any of the metal ones,
>I think it's about the
>same as Leather (not mark
>II). I'm wondering if
>it is usefull for sneaking
>around looking like a brahmin
>and all.

I am not sure but i think that the Brahmin Armor gives you around +20-30% sneak skill, I had a character try it on in exchange of his leather Armor mk2 and his sneak went from like 90% to 112%. I could be wrong though.
RE: Riders of the apocalypse

You could try (if you saved it at the beginning) going back with only one character. nobody to switch with.:)
I had the same problem. I went into the Horsemen encounter and noticed my main character had been switched. So I reloaded and happened along the encounter in the same place. The same thing happened. I'm guessing this is a bug. So I just reloaded and took a detour around the block with the encounter and returned to base.
Brahmin armor is worse than I thought, you can't use any ranged weapons while wearing it. I didn't check with mele, but the only way I could attack was with unarmed, I was also too big to fit through any doors. :(

Found a couple other encounters...

Amilia - a crashed airplane, absolutely nothing here but tiles of a crashed and mostly burried air plane.

Sixth Sense - Brahmin wandering around saying "I see dead brahmin - all the time" nothing here to do or get. I'm getting tired of the lame movie special encounters, don't these guys have any imagination?

Also got to the point where I can get Robot encounters. These are awsome for xp ranging for about an average 500 xp for humanoids going up to 1500 xp for behemoths, but I had to change over to the apc because they just do too much damage some times. I'm a bit irritated again as one of the best weapons I have against them seems to be the FN fal criting almost every time on a burst doing around 80 damage average, but I've only got one. I saved all the ghouls that were carrying them and now I can't get any more unless I want to lower my rep by killing them...