
First time out of the vault
I started work a while back on a revised rule system for post nuclear role playing in a D&D style based strongly off of Jason Mical's fallout PnP. I was hoping to cover some of the short comings of Mr. Mical's system while still using the d% system that made me love it. I'm posting this thread with the hopes that some No Mutants Allowed readers and frequenters would help me wright and proof it. The whole of what I've written is on Google Drive and open to comment, but I would ask that you keep in mind that this is something i'm doing in my spare time and may not be updated often.
SPECIAL revised will also hopefully have content to fill the gaps in the fallout world such as: psyonics, player character mutation, customizable races (including robots and animals), assisted skill checks, expanded skills list, and mabey more things if I find anything else missing.

If you want to help or look at the documents you can find them here: