Okay this is just a quick method but it works
I've got no photoshop skills but AFAIK photoshop got scripting suppor. I've tested it by doing all these steps myself but a script will make this easy.
1. Resize your image so that width and height are multiple 64. (If you want 64 x 64 tiles; I think they look best but that's your decision)
2. Use the slice function and make every slice 64 x 64. (or the tilesize you want)
3. Copy every tile to an own file for example tile1 - tile25.gif.
4. Open the tiles with batch function and do the following with all of them:
4.1 Rotate the image 30 degres against the clock
4.2 Resize the image to 80 x 36
4.3 Save the image
5. Now you got 25 correct tiles on your harddisk (they will be .gif). If you want to use them in fallout, set up a little batch file and download the gif2frm utility from teamx. Set up your batch file so that the tool converts all the files to .frm's
6. You're done and can use them in the mapper
Now you'll just need somebody who knows how to work with photoshop scripts
Just some nice screenie from my test:
(Yeah the spaces are wanted to show that I haven't cheatet and really put the tiles together