Spread the word in your signature


First time out of the vault
Here are some signatures if you want to help the petition. They are sorted by the major board systems out there. This board for example uses phpBB (as does DAC). Most of the time the board is displayed at the bottom or top of the index. Pick the signature for your language / board:

VBB German

Wir wollen Fallout 3

Helft mit eurer Stimme: Fallout 3 Petition

VBB English

We want Fallout 3

Raise your voice: Fallout 3 Petition

UBB German

Wir wollen Fallout 3

Helft mit eurer Stimme: Fallout 3 Petition

UBB English

We want Fallout 3

Raise your voice: Fallout 3 Petition

phpBB German

Wir wollen Fallout 3

Helft mit eurer Stimme: Fallout 3 Petition

phpBB English

We want Fallout 3

Raise your voice: Fallout 3 Petition
I signed a Fallout 3 petition three years ago. I'm number 15,000 exactly.

I'm afraid we are just going to have to wait until they sell off Fallout to someone worthy.