Squad problem

I'm having the exact same issue, patched to 1.27, on Windows 7 64 bit. Anyone have any help to offer?

Is your main character duplicated or just your squad? The duplication bug should be fixed by the patch, where did you install the game? If in program files maybe User Account Control prevented the patch from installing properly.

If it's just your squad that's duplicated this bug is caused by your main character being demoted. Only fix I can remember is to reload an earlier save before the demotion.
What happens is what you see in korhian's picture - each of the first three characters take two slots, and the second three characters are inaccessable. Game is patched, installed in the default directory.

I've now gotten through the mission where it happened to me, and it looks like you may be able to avoid the issue by NOT using the F12 key to access the entire squad at once. Using CTRL and clicking them each individually, while a bit of a drag, seemed to kill the issue.

If it recurs even using that approach, or if I get all the way through the next 10 missions using that approach without a glitch, I'll post.
Try reinstalling the game outside the default path for example c:\games\fallout tactics and loading an older save from before the duplication. Or turn off UAC and repatch the game.

Which mission did this happen btw?