Stalker bits 2


Carbon Dated and Proud
Evidently I overlooked some more Stalker news, HomeLAN Fed conducted an interview with Oleg about Stalker, it's more of a Q&A look-back at 2004:<blockquote>HomeLAN - Finally, is there anything else you wish to say about the past year in games and/or the upcoming year in games?

Oleg Yavorsky - Year 2004 has been remarkable for us: we announced our own publishing subdivision and a new title to be released next year; while the end of the year was marked as a true time of changes as Ukraine elected its people’s president. My hope is that the next year is remembered as the time of positive changes on all levels of public life and naturally, gaming: I’m eager to see more creative and innovative concepts instead of old trite experiences implemented with new graphics. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!</blockquote>And also Worthplaying have posted a new trailer of Stalker, go here for the trailer.