Stalker Clear Sky Patch Question


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Anybody know if I need to use all the patches or can I just use the most recent one to update the game to the last version?
Yeah, install latest patch and Complete mod for the least shitty experience. It was still not enough for me to finish it, but it's damn sure the definitive version to play. Shame, I love STALKER, Call of Pripyat especially, but Clear Sky is just a big fail.
What's wrong with it? I have been playing for 2 hours and so far doesn't seem so bad.
The faction wars are broken, and don't really fit in with the race to the finish storyline. Beyond the first level most of the game is just reusing the original areas but with changes that don't really make sense, not even with 'it's the zone weird things happen' defense. Repairing and upgrading weapons and armour break the economy even more than in the first game, and non-upgraded items are fairly useless unlike in CoP.

There's only one underground level and it's very short and lacking the atmosphere of the underground labs from the other two games. In fact none of the areas beyond the first level have much atmosphere (even the reused areas) and the first level is pretty much the best level in the game. It has a boss fight with health bar and so on that's thematically out of place with the rest of the game or the first game. Of the few new and interesting areas two are totally wasted as they involve fairly heavily scripted fights and are fairly linear with very little chance of exploration.

The ending really sucks, just remember the term laser guided grenades and be forewarned.