Stalker interview #err..400?


Carbon Dated and Proud
Yes another S.T.A.L.K.E.R. interview has surfaced on the net, again it's Oblivion Lost who posted it, here's a snibblet:<blockquote> 5. What is the current planning concerning the Co-operative mode? What exactly are the problems that you have to face?

Oleg: Okay, (takes a deep breath), hopefully I am saying this for the final time, there is no Co-op mode planned for the final game!
In order to implement it we would require more time since this is not an easy thing to do. If we were making a tightly scripted, utterly predictable FPS that never varies from a linear path, then it could be done.
However we are not that kind of game and we have never claimed to be that kind of game. We’ve always said that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. offers freedom of movement and an unscripted experience. Retaining that style of plan and trying to add Co-op would fundamentally change the game. The trading and communication stops working the way it should and the game then becomes something like a Battlefield clone or even an MMORPG.</blockquote>This time Oblivion Lost actually conducted the interview, instead of translating it.
Link: Stalker interview@Oblivion Lost
Spotted at HomeLanFed
Proning is useful in some games but not really necessary. Would have been nice for ambushing larger enemies.
Prone is almost a must if you are thinking about sniping a target from long distance... well that is if the ballistics and trajectories are as realistic as they keep saying. Even wind is supposed to be a factor. So going prone would only make the game more realistic. Sad thing is the more interviews I read the more features i see being cut.

I still have faith but it is slowing dying. After they axed coop the only saving grace for me will be the game world/game play . But if they continue to cut features I can't help but wonder if they are doing the same when it comes to story, plot, and the RPG elements.

Hopefully there will be a lot of positive things heard after the game goes limited open beta... soon.