Star Wars Battlefront III :(

When the sith lord said "Stick to the plan, ObiWan!" He was actually saying "Stick to the canon, George!" Lucas needs to stop coming up with stupid shit like the apprenctice. I hope the Obi Wan thing was just a gameplay invention.


not a one picture post
Yeah, I just saw that. I think it shows that it was just a choice you could make at some point in the game, not a new canon element.
So when you switch from the regular Force to the Dark Side, does your lightsabre automatically change color, or do you have to build a new one for some reason?
UniversalWolf said:
So when you switch from the regular Force to the Dark Side, does your lightsabre automatically change color, or do you have to build a new one for some reason?
I think you are assuming that the Star Wars universe actually makes sense, but anyhow they build a new one when they get a chance after they go bad - Anakin was still using a blue one at the end of Episode 3 I believe. All the Sith probably just like the color red - it is the color of blood as well as a Nazi color. Ironically the X-Wings fire red colored blasts while the Tie-Fighters fire green. But yeah, if the Sith were really all that cunning they would dress like jedis and have blue lightsabres and then just stab them in the backs.

Concerning the dark Obi-wan, I think it's an interesting twist to include that kind of alternate path. But I think the real problem with most of the extra-universe stuff is that they keep wanting to throw in more Sith than just the standard 2 and they excuse that by saying they are just an apprentice, but they make them way more powerful (in the video games and animated) than the Sith in the movies. I know it's just to make it look cool, but it takes away from the internal consistancy.
wow lol those obi wan pictures look RIDICULOUS.

Seconded. What's wrong with coming up with a new character? What's next?

Darth Jar Jar ?
UniversalWolf said:
So when you switch from the regular Force to the Dark Side, does your lightsabre automatically change color, or do you have to build a new one for some reason?

You can just change the lightsaber crystal to a red one.
Or at least thats what KOTOR taught me. :P
Alphadrop said:
UniversalWolf said:
So when you switch from the regular Force to the Dark Side, does your lightsabre automatically change color, or do you have to build a new one for some reason?

You can just change the lightsaber crystal to a red one.
Or at least thats what KOTOR taught me. :P
Red crystals are apparently more rare and are found on some terrible planet or something.
M-26-7 said:
Red crystals are apparently more rare and are found on some terrible planet or something.
And purple crystals are apparently ultra-rare, and only a total bada$$ like Samuel L. Jackson can get his hands on one of them.
It's a damn same that Free Radical's version will never see the day, hopefully it gets passed onto competent hands.