start game modifications


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Simple F2 start game is (i think) hard to modify. How to do this:

1. new black-white intro with other slideshow and narrator

2. other main screen nad music

3. dont want see elder speak movie

4. want start with pipboy

5. want start with leather jacket and gun in backpack
Lich said:
1. new black-white intro with other slideshow and narrator
Just replace the original "intro.mve" or whatever it's called with the one you want.

Lich said:
2. other main screen nad music
What do you mean "other"? If you just want to change the background - the picture is in the "art" directory somewhere, unpack and replace. If you want to change the menu items position - now that I think you can't.

Lich said:
3. dont want see elder speak movie
Open the map script for the starting map and remove the line that plays the movie.

Lich said:
4. want start with pipboy
Sorry, the only way you can get Vault jumpsuit and Pipboy is by playing the movie where the jumpsuit is shown. That's hard coded in the game.

Lich said:
5. want start with leather jacket and gun in backpack
In the starting map script, there is a line that gives character a spear. Just change the item ID to leather jacket and add another line for gun.
A couple of alternatives:

2. Its easy enough, I think, to change the background on the menu screen. If you want to alter the game name in the bottom right, you can use my FO2LC program.

4. Use my FO2LC program, or a different program that will enable Pipboy from the start.

I think you can download FO2LC from NMA-fallout
Yes, you jsut need to repalce the correct FRM for the main menu. I think it is called something like menu.frm but I cant remeber

I actually replaced this with an animated FRM so we could have an animated main menu, but the engine didnt cycle the frames :(
Mayeb Ian out could do this
Wild_qwerty said:
Yes, you jsut need to repalce the correct FRM for the main menu. I think it is called something like menu.frm but I cant remeber

I actually replaced this with an animated FRM so we could have an animated main menu, but the engine didnt cycle the frames :(
Mayeb Ian out could do this
For sure :)

AFAIK IanOut uses jpeg's as main screen ATM but I think we can use gif's and png's too which can store animations. But I'll ask SztupY or maybe I can find out on my own. As soon as I know, I'll post about it :)

EDIT: just tested it and it doesn't workl with gifs :( But I'm sure this will be in Beta 5 because the gif support is already inside the code and just needs to be activated for main menue. But maybe there's a problem with resizing because I don't know if IanOut includes resizing code for gif's because @ the mainmenue it should be displayed like fullscreen ...
i think jupsuit and pipboy is coded in arvilag (or something) script

and anything else want

6 -start game with cripled leg an arm
1. new black-white intro with other slideshow and narrator

One easy way to do this is to make a powerpoint file with the intro text, graphics, etc, then use camtasia to capture that and save as AVI, then avi2mve. People have done the same kind of thing with NWN.

3. dont want see elder speak movie
4. want start with pipboy

FO2LC is great for this, can just select checkboxes to do the above, save as executable name, and distribute with your mod. It can also make the player start with the vault suit, and adds city limit patch. The mod I'm working on is distributed with FO2LC.

There was also a workaround I did, which made a tiny MVE with just a single frame in it, for elder.mve and vsuit.mve. Drop those in your patch \art\cuts and it overrides the originals. Works fine.

5. want start with leather jacket and gun in backpack

Look at the Initial_Inven procedure in artemple map script. Here's an example where I give the player a spear and two random melee weapons (random spear and punching weapon):

procedure Initial_Inven begin
variable item;


If you want the starting inventory to be inside a backpack in the players inventory, it might be easier to drop those items in the bag and place them on the map, then use the map script to add the bag to player inventory on first run of first map:

procedure map_enter_p_proc begin
if (map_first_run) then begin
call Initial_Inven;

6 -start game with cripled leg an arm

critter_injure(who, how);
Example: critter_injure(dude_obj, DAM_CRIP_LEG_LEFT);

#define DAM_CRIP_ARM_LEFT 16
You could also use the EXE patcher to set the default player model as the leather jacket so if the player takes his jaket off he still looks like max instead of the vaultdweller.