Starting first Fallout2 mod...


First time out of the vault
I just took apart enough of the master.dat to figure out how the hell the game is put together. Edited some dialog, played with some scripts yadda yadda.

Basically my mod will take place about 20 years after F2. The hero is Cassidy's kid who goes to Texas to figure out what happened to dad.

I want to tie up some loose ends from F2 such as Sulik's sister.

My only complaint about F2 was that it got too easy to fast, and there wasn't enough combat outside random encounters (I LIVE for wiping out New Reno). I want to keep the "low level" weapons around until the endgame and give it a much more "mad max/wasteland" feel to it.

Will anyone have any interest in playing this? Or am I pretty much making it for myself =)
I'm using the same overview map (not sure how to change that anyway) with different cities/local maps.

The fiction is the "coast" is merely the flooded colorado river (I know, I know... I'm going to have a bit where the hero goes "Hey... this looks familiar. You ever get the feeling God is lazy?"

I figure once I get the 1st two cities up with a few quests I should be able to attract other people.
As will I. Beware tho, it´s gonna be a lot of work.. Try to start small, then move onto more demanding things as you learn.
And gaining a team member or two wouldn´t hurt.
mad said:
As will I. Beware tho, it´s gonna be a lot of work.. Try to start small, then move onto more demanding things as you learn.
And gaining a team member or two wouldn´t hurt.

Thanks for the tip =)

I have no doubt this will be a learning experience...

Right now I'm just working on the first map. The start is pretty easy -- vertiberd crash in the mountains, have to navigate some caves/critters to make it to the highway... long walk down this wrecked highway with critters and a single NPC hitchhiker who directs you to the first town (stealing the Fear and Loathing hitch-hiker -- I want to make it so you can later come back and pick him up when you have car and go through the F'n'L bit before dropping him off).

Here's a question for ya. In the editor how can I tell what tile something is when I look on a placed map? I'm trying to find the "cave" tiles and it's pretty annoying. I'd like to load a cave map and figure out the tile # and do it that way... can this be done?
Nevermind... I found em... if anyone cares the "cave" set starts at 1499...

Damn I think that gave me carpal tunnel =)
If you want a few new critters for your mod try the critter packs (they are in the downloads section of NMA under the subsection 'FRM' or jsut do a search)