Starting Off Small


First time out of the vault
Okay, I'm starting off small (unfortunately). I've made a new patch that includes three things:

[1] Official U.S. 1.0.2 patch (I'd like to use Killap's patches for bug fixes)

[2] 47 tougher enemies, 1 weaker enemy (being Father Tully)

[3] 45 weapons/ammo fixes (includes Cubik's ammo patch)

I've only pulled the ammo .pro files from Cubik's patch, and nothing more. This is because I enjoy my combat rough, the harder the better. Some weapons obviously needed more damage; instead of 2-5dmg for the switchblade, it now has 4-9dmg. Currency changed to bottle caps, and the .233 pistol looks like a pistol and it no longer looks like a SMG (it IS Deckard's gun after all).

You can no longer receive 'Prize Fighter' from boxing in New Reno without leveling and spending a number of points in your Unarmed skill (unless you're the type who saves and reloads a lot, to get criticals; which is low in my opinion). Even at level 9 and focusing on unarmed combat, which is around 160%, I still get killed in the ring.

If anyone knows of a good program for editing the properties of chems., then let me know (I haven't had much luck with "Fime1.1" or "FIC3.5"). --My idea was to give Booze -2 Perception immediately (+2 mid-term), but add 5% normal damage resistance immediately (-5% mid-term); mid-term length being left at its default of 30.--

I keep receiving an error when attempting to pack Killap's 'A' Patch. The weapons that i changed don't seem to keep the new changes, so I guess I have to make a new PATCH000.DAT file that contains only the items I want changed.

There doesn't seem to be a specific critter file for "Joqq" (New Reno boxer, first round). Perhaps he's one of the generic boxers?
Gaskammer said:
There doesn't seem to be a specific critter file for "Joqq" (New Reno boxer, first round). Perhaps he's one of the generic boxers?

All boxers, including the Masticator when you meet him in the ring, use ncprzftr.
I’m not sure what you mean, so I’ll just assume it’s magic. What I meant to say was that there is a .pro for all of the boxers, except one specifically for Joqq.

Mike the Masticator - 00000431
Evan Holyfeld - 00000432
McKneely - 00000433

By the way, I am very new to this.
Oh sorry, for some reason I thought you meant script files. Can't you find the script where they're spawned?
I have no idea where to begin for that... perhaps opening the map with the official editor and listing all scripts? Anyway, I don't have any need to alter their scripts.
Probably one of Stuart Little's script or the announcer's.

Gaskammer said:
Anyway, I don't have any need to alter their scripts.

Well, it would let you find out what proto Joqq uses.
Point taken, boy do I feel like a hulking retard.

I've opened ncprzftr.ssl with the Fallout Script Editor, and all I'm coming up with is:


And I'm not seeing a generic boxer either... perhaps Joqq is hiding from me?
Ok, for some reason you got me curious and I spent the last 15 minutes rummaging through Fallout files to figure all this out. Here is what happens during boxing matches in New Reno. Anytime a new boxer is created, this bit of code is executed.

#define create_boxer                                                                                        \
         set_fighting_main_boxer;                                                                           \
         if (fight_level == 1) then begin                                                                   \
            if (mckneely_dead == false) then begin                                                          \
               prize_fighter_obj := PID_MCKNEELY;                                                           \
               if (mckneely_obj != 0) then begin                                                            \
                  check_set_obj_visiblility(mckneely_obj, true);                                            \
               end                                                                                          \
            end else begin                                                                                  \
               prize_fighter_obj := PID_BOXER_3;                                                            \
               off_fighting_main_boxer;                                                                     \
            end                                                                                             \
         end else if (fight_level == 2) then begin                                                          \
            if (holyfeld_dead == false) then begin                                                          \
               prize_fighter_obj := PID_HOLYFELD;                                                           \
               if (hollyfeld_obj != 0) then begin                                                           \
                  check_set_obj_visiblility(hollyfeld_obj, true);                                           \
               end                                                                                          \
            end else begin                                                                                  \
               prize_fighter_obj := PID_BOXER_1;                                                            \
               off_fighting_main_boxer;                                                                     \
            end                                                                                             \
         end else if (fight_level == 3) then begin                                                          \
            if (masticator_dead == false) then begin                                                        \
               prize_fighter_obj := PID_MASTICATOR;                                                         \
            end else begin                                                                                  \
               prize_fighter_obj := PID_BOXER_1;                                                            \
               off_fighting_main_boxer;                                                                     \
            end                                                                                             \
         end else begin                                                                                     \
            prize_fighter_obj := PID_BOXER_2;                                                               \
         end                                                                                                \
         prize_fighter_obj := create_object_sid(prize_fighter_obj, 0, 0, SCRIPT_NCPRZFTR);                  \
         give_pid_qty(prize_fighter_obj, PID_SPECIAL_BOXER_WEAPON, 1)                                       \
         critter_add_trait(prize_fighter_obj,TRAIT_OBJECT,OBJECT_TEAM_NUM, TEAM_NEW_RENO_FIGHTING_BOXER);   \
         critter_add_trait(prize_fighter_obj, TRAIT_OBJECT, OBJECT_AI_PACKET, AI_BOXER);                    \
         debug_msg("creating boxer")

Looking at the code, one may quickly wonder where Joqq is in that list. Well, the global variable that holds the current value of the fight level the player is on is initially set to 0. So, the first bit of code that is executed is the last part of the above macro. Therefore, Joqq must be
prize_fighter_obj := PID_BOXER_2

Looking this up further we see that PID_BOXER_2 is defined as 16777644. Going into the official Fallout 2 mapper, opening map "newrba" as an example, clicking on critters on the left panel, clicking on the masticator until he is highlighted, pressing "p" to search for him in the list, and then scrolling over to the beginning of the "boxer" section of the critters, we should find a boxer labeled "boxer 2" From what I have gathered, this should be the Joqq proto you want.

Hopefully this helps.
Yes, the "Boxer 2" critter file is Joqq's. I just tested this by giving him something obvious (90 additional melee damage).

Now that this has been solved (thank you killap and Per), does anyone know of a good program that will edit the effects of chems? As stated above, I haven't had much luck with Fime1.1 or FIC3.5 for this task.
F2wedit 1.29 alfa2 is good program that will edit the effects of chem items. Search download section or visit my homepage.