stats dropped and in red.


First time out of the vault
they dont seem to be damaged in any way... i tried the doctors bag a bunch of times.. they arent addicted or going though withdrawl... its not the armor as i took it off and they still have the red stats.. It seems to be PE stat only. and then random skills on different people are in red and like -2 to -10 sometimes

whats going on?
This might have to do with the armours your squaddies are wearing. Does anyone in your team have Enviro Suits?
yes they do, but when i take them off they still have red stats.

EDIT: okay i checked the stats with what they should be without the armor on... they are still 2-3 points lower only on the PE than they should be... and still have that Red highlight.. this isnt normal.
dirtaddshp: Please use the EDIT option if the last post in a thread is by you, don't bump threads and doublepost that way.

Merged posts.

Req: Maybe it's similar to the "crawl into vehicle" bug?

Did your characters use alcohol (lowers PE)?
nope.. they have been like this for awhile, but what does it mean when the stats are red?

also what is this crawl into vehicle bug?
ok i figured it out.... there was a glitch with one of the squaddies (Toni) everytime i equipped her with a engery rifle the other guys pe would drop 2 points! no idea why. So i traded her in and also one of my other sqaddies (Chuck) had the Vats trait which was effecting their pe.