Staying canon and entering SAD


First time out of the vault
I am trying in my current play through of Fallout 2 to get all canon endings and I was disappointed to find out that the New Reno ending requires me to NEVER enter the Sierra army depot as that ending is the only one that fufills the canon the others either have the Wrights take complete control or die. Neither of those outcomes are canonical. I want to enter SAD so i did a little more digging and found out that as long as one of the other families is ahead of wright in the power struggle that the wright endings will be trumped completely. Therefore they still exist in the lore but don't control the whole city which fufills the canon. I think the only reason the third ending is canon is because the other two are obviously not.

However, I am not sure if entering SAD wouldn't give wrights an extreme advantage that will trump the other families even if I have the others at the max rating I can get them.

In a nutshell I am asking this: Will entering SAD cause the wrights to win the power struggle no matter what (putting their rating so high the other familes can't hope to catch up) or can I get one of the other family's rating high enough to trump Wright while still entering SAD?
Have a look here:

It's not their rating going up, but rather how much you can bring it down. Plus, if you get the Bishop women impregnated that ending takes precedence. I'd go ahead and enter the SAD and massacre the Wrights, destroy the stills and make sure some other family is in control.