Stem Cells are a valuable research commodity, some day they may be able to use them to replace the lungs i currently enjoy destroying with cigarettes, and the liver i will return to destroying as soon as i get back someplace where i can drink again.
As far as the ethical considerations goes, it's not like those aborted fetus's are useing em for anything. We might as well put them to good use. And as for the whole "abortion unethical" thing. Got two words, grow up. People arent going to stop haveing sex when they know they cant handle children, or arent ready for them. so Abortion is going to happen weather people like it or not.
If you can cure diseases by useing the cell's from a fetus that some harlot aborted, use the cells, That unborn child will have contributed more to the human race than millions of people who, in all fairness, should have been blowjobs to begin with.
Thats my 1.8 cents.
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