Still no fixed date for The Fall


Carbon Dated and Proud
RPGDot is reporting that Carsten has posted a small update on the official forums for The Fall<blockquote>Some info for my non-German friends. :)

The Extended Version of The Fall has gone Gold. The release will be at the end of April. The EV includes two new maps, a lot of new features, quests and characters, better graphics and some new voice actors. Of course all that additional content is also included in the US version.

The release in Russia will be somewhere in May. That's quite sure now.

Regarding the release of the US version we have no fixed date yet. It's also a matter of marketing and distribution not only of development. From our point of view the most important thing is that the product is perfectly polished at its release.</blockquote>So get ready for some more waiting.
Between the bugs reported when initially released, the "beta testing" that has gone on after release, I have about as much interest in this game as I do in FOOL.
BAH. The Fall might not be the best thing since sliced whatevers, but it sure gonne be more fun than any other RPG released lately.
Soon, we'll be playing Geneforge 3, so I doubt I'll even remember to check back and see if The Fall ever makes it to English versions. :D
This extended version... do German people who bought The Fall get it for free in an update, or are they expected to throw more money down the toilet?
Roshambo said:
Soon, we'll be playing Geneforge 3, so I doubt I'll even remember to check back and see if The Fall ever makes it to English versions.

Have you heard any projected date on Geneforge 3? All I've heard is "Summer 2005". I'm getting tired of waiting.
The Commissar said:
Have you heard any projected date on Geneforge 3? All I've heard is "Summer 2005". I'm getting tired of waiting.

Probably when it is done. The Mac full version has been released, which means the PC version isn't too far behind.
Odin said:
Of course all that additional content is also included in the US version.

You make it sound like it is allready out there. It isn't right?, or I will be pissed!!!!