Stim & Alcohol mod


Vault Senior Citizen
Here's a simple mod i've used for my last playthrough. I thoroughly enjoy it, and thought i'd post the modified protos for anyone who'd like to try it out. I just made some simple but significant changes to healing chems and alcohol using Cubik's excellent F2Wedit tool:

1) Stims, superstims, healing powder & fruit now work on a time delay - approx. 33% healing occurs instantaneously, 33% after 10 turns and 33% after 20 turns. Of course this essentially makes the game significantly harder, and plus i feel it to be slightly more realistic for the healing chems to take some time to kick-in and take effect. Super-stims also give a small dose of radiation over a long period.

2) Alcohol. In order to make alcohol a little more fun, i:

a) re-implemented the alcohol addiction.
b) alcohol now reduces IN by 1 so you can get drunk and talk dumb with other bar patrons
c) beer increases your DR by 1 for a short period to represent drunken resistance to pain
d) booze increases your maximum HP by 1 temporarily.
e) Gamma gulp and Rotgoen Rum now cause radiation.

I also play with the weight of all items at 200% their normal value. IMO, this means the player and NPC's can carry a somewhat realistic amount of gear and also makes the game quite alot harder as you can gather much less of the infinite random encounter guns than normal, and thus make significantly less money.
I really recommend this change for those who want a challenge! (but i won't post the protos as it's more-or-less all of them)

To use these modified protos, just copy the appropriate file into your data\proto\items folder.

Any feedback greatly appreciated!
That seems really interesting.

What have you done with the alcohol addiction? I heard they tried to include it in the RP but it was bugged. If you have found a way around it you should talk to the RP guys as they could re-implement it into the mod.
ghrh said:
Is it compatible with Killap's Restoration Project?

I tired it with RP 1.2, and it worked fine for me. Give it a try and let me know.

Chancellor Kremlin said:
What have you done with the alcohol addiction? I heard they tried to include it in the RP but it was bugged. If you have found a way around it you should talk to the RP guys as they could re-implement it into the mod.

All i did was set an addiction rate on the alcohol item protos. The 'you have alcohol problems' card appears along with the other addictions under 'perks'. You can set whatever addiction withdrawal effects you like - so i set the 'nuka-cola' addiciton effects as it's mild.
Josan12 said:
All i did was set an addiction rate on the alcohol item protos. The 'you have alcohol problems' card appears along with the other addictions under 'perks'. You can set whatever addiction withdrawal effects you like - so i set the 'nuka-cola' addiciton effects as it's mild.

Interesting. You should talk to Killap about that. *New Quest appears on pipboy*
Josan12 said:
All i did was set an addiction rate on the alcohol item protos. The 'you have alcohol problems' card appears along with the other addictions under 'perks'. You can set whatever addiction withdrawal effects you like - so i set the 'nuka-cola' addiciton effects as it's mild.

Have you tested this for a long run?

I tested the alcohol addiction about two years ago. When I received alcohol addiction in game all was good, until after a few days (game time) the game just crashed.
Skynet said:
Have you tested this for a long run?

I tested the alcohol addiction about two years ago. When I received alcohol addiction in game all was good, until after a few days (game time) the game just crashed.

I just tested it (with RP 1.2) and it seems to work fine. I rested for a week and the addiction wore off as it should. The only slight glitch is that the dialogue box says: "you crave another nuka-cola/mentats/psycho" instead of "you crave some more alcohol".
Aren't stims supposed to boost the regenerative capacities of the subject, and thus make him heal instantaneously? Something ike "Wolverine's mutation" for a few seconds?

Personally, I'd hate to see this becoming a standard feature in the RP or MM - maybe just an installer option for those who like suffering...

No offense intended, Josan: you kick ass all the time.

Edit: Holy crap, I'm radiated again! There's a 6th toe on me now!!! WOOT!
Makenshi said:
Aren't stims supposed to boost the regenerative capacities of the subject, and thus make him heal instantaneously? Something ike "Wolverine's mutation" for a few seconds?

Too unbelievable for me. I mean:

a) Stims are chemicals. Now, the idea of an instant healing chemical is tenuous at best. For me, it adds just a little 'believability' by the chemicals at least taking time to course through the players blood-stream before healing wounds completely
b) For me it makes combat much more tactical. I find combat just too easy when you can effectively heal up completely for just 4 AP.
The time delay makes things much more interesting ;)

Makenshi said:
Personally, I'd hate to see this becoming a standard feature in the RP or MM - maybe just an installer option for those who like suffering...WOOT!

Lol - it's not intended for the RP or MM. It's just for those who like PAIN!! :twisted:
Anyway, i always play ironman, so that says alot about how i like my difficulty! Strangely enough i don't play on rough/hard game difficulty. I find neither of those settings make for a more interesting game. Crank it!! :D
1) Stims, superstims, healing powder & fruit now work on a time delay - approx. 33% healing occurs instantaneously, 33% after 10 turns and 33% after 20 turns.
Would love to have this tweak available for the Fallout 1 as well. Is it possible or some features of the latest Sfall's versions are used?
Alchemist said:
1) Stims, superstims, healing powder & fruit now work on a time delay - approx. 33% healing occurs instantaneously, 33% after 10 turns and 33% after 20 turns.
Would love to have this tweak available for the Fallout 1 as well. Is it possible or some features of the latest Sfall's versions are used?

No Sfall. I just used Cubik's F2Wedit. I've never tried to to use this tool on F1 protos, so i'm not sure if it will work. Does anyone know?
Wow, didn't even knew that it's possible to implement such features just via proto editing!
In fact, there is no significant deffernce between F1 and F2 PRO formats. In F2 some types of the prototypes just have additional fields at the end of the file. Looks like the primary quest is whether F1 engine supports such functions or not. That requiers to be checked. :)
Josan12 said:
I just used Cubik's F2Wedit. I've never tried to to use this tool on F1 protos, so i'm not sure if it will work. Does anyone know?

F2wedit will work with FO1 proto files. This is because the FO1 and FO2 items proto files are the same.
You need unpack items proto files with items.lst file from FO1's master.dat and copy them to empty FO2/Data/Proto/Items folder, then run F2wedit.
Cubik2k said:
F2wedit will work with FO1 proto files. This is because the FO1 and FO2 items proto files are the same.
You need unpack items proto files with items.lst file from FO1's master.dat and copy them to empty FO2/Data/Proto/Items folder, then run F2wedit.

Thanks Cubik!

Cubik: can you answer this question?: In F2Wedit, when you set the 'effect stat 1' field for a drug item, many healing chems have the option 'minimum value of stat 2' set. Do you know what this means?
In F2Wedit, when you set the 'effect stat 1' field for a drug item, many healing chems have the option 'minimum value of stat 2' set. Do you know what this means?

This means that stat from field1 has random number between value from field1 and field2 (inclusive)