Here's a simple mod i've used for my last playthrough. I thoroughly enjoy it, and thought i'd post the modified protos for anyone who'd like to try it out. I just made some simple but significant changes to healing chems and alcohol using Cubik's excellent F2Wedit tool:
1) Stims, superstims, healing powder & fruit now work on a time delay - approx. 33% healing occurs instantaneously, 33% after 10 turns and 33% after 20 turns. Of course this essentially makes the game significantly harder, and plus i feel it to be slightly more realistic for the healing chems to take some time to kick-in and take effect. Super-stims also give a small dose of radiation over a long period.
2) Alcohol. In order to make alcohol a little more fun, i:
a) re-implemented the alcohol addiction.
b) alcohol now reduces IN by 1 so you can get drunk and talk dumb with other bar patrons
c) beer increases your DR by 1 for a short period to represent drunken resistance to pain
d) booze increases your maximum HP by 1 temporarily.
e) Gamma gulp and Rotgoen Rum now cause radiation.
I also play with the weight of all items at 200% their normal value. IMO, this means the player and NPC's can carry a somewhat realistic amount of gear and also makes the game quite alot harder as you can gather much less of the infinite random encounter guns than normal, and thus make significantly less money.
I really recommend this change for those who want a challenge! (but i won't post the protos as it's more-or-less all of them)
To use these modified protos, just copy the appropriate file into your data\proto\items folder.
Any feedback greatly appreciated!
1) Stims, superstims, healing powder & fruit now work on a time delay - approx. 33% healing occurs instantaneously, 33% after 10 turns and 33% after 20 turns. Of course this essentially makes the game significantly harder, and plus i feel it to be slightly more realistic for the healing chems to take some time to kick-in and take effect. Super-stims also give a small dose of radiation over a long period.
2) Alcohol. In order to make alcohol a little more fun, i:
a) re-implemented the alcohol addiction.
b) alcohol now reduces IN by 1 so you can get drunk and talk dumb with other bar patrons
c) beer increases your DR by 1 for a short period to represent drunken resistance to pain
d) booze increases your maximum HP by 1 temporarily.
e) Gamma gulp and Rotgoen Rum now cause radiation.
I also play with the weight of all items at 200% their normal value. IMO, this means the player and NPC's can carry a somewhat realistic amount of gear and also makes the game quite alot harder as you can gather much less of the infinite random encounter guns than normal, and thus make significantly less money.
I really recommend this change for those who want a challenge! (but i won't post the protos as it's more-or-less all of them)
To use these modified protos, just copy the appropriate file into your data\proto\items folder.
Any feedback greatly appreciated!