Strange game. The only winning move is not to play.


Night Watchman
Staff member
Or is it? Introversion Software are preparing this real-time strategy (stay tuned, dammit!) that will put you in the command chair of a nuclear superpower. Here is what it says on DEFCON's Wikipedia page:<blockquote>A normal Defcon game is said to take around 45 minutes to complete. Players are given a dehumanised 1980s computer-themed world map with the objective to kill as many foreign citizens as possible with a variety of nuclear weapons: a typical game will see 'hundreds of millions' of innocent casualties. Currently each player's force is chosen and positioned beforehand and the game does not feature unit construction or research. The game defaults to two sides, America and Russia, but games with up to six players are possible, and AI opponents are provided.

There is also a planned 'Office Mode', where the game runs in the background and the computer can be used for other purposes between bouts of action. This mode can be configured to take up to eight hours per game.</blockquote>And so it does:<blockquote><center> </center></blockquote>Link:

Spotted at Duck And Cover
Haven't been disappointed with an Introversion game yet, though they've had a short-lived interest on my computer. This is the kind of game I can play indefinitely, however. I played a ton of Mutually Assured Destruction, a kind of stupid game that's a lot of fun multiplayer, even fun against AI. Fun stuff.