So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

As Y'all have commented, my characther started out as a superman.
He was, since in the FanFic he starts in he is.
I thought that it would be cool to have fanfic characthers in the story, and still do.
The main problem is steping him down from a superman to a regular characther (with the loss of his armour, he's very close)
I mainly made him a superman, and a man from the past, so he could wander the wastes and check out some of the towns in fallout 2. I plan to have him go through New Reno, broken hills, and Vault city, most of the story will be just talking with people and seeing what hapend to the world he knew..........
Anyway, tell me what Y'all role players would like to see in the New Reno part of the stroy that is next (I'm working on it, making it better and al. Its mostly done, but still a little rough)
He was, since in the FanFic he starts in he is.
I thought that it would be cool to have fanfic characthers in the story, and still do.
The main problem is steping him down from a superman to a regular characther (with the loss of his armour, he's very close)
I mainly made him a superman, and a man from the past, so he could wander the wastes and check out some of the towns in fallout 2. I plan to have him go through New Reno, broken hills, and Vault city, most of the story will be just talking with people and seeing what hapend to the world he knew..........
Anyway, tell me what Y'all role players would like to see in the New Reno part of the stroy that is next (I'm working on it, making it better and al. Its mostly done, but still a little rough)