Stuff Fallout 3 HAS to be/have

Hell Patrol

It Wandered In From the Wastes
1.) A first person shooter.

2.) ...have Nuclear hand grenades, super duper mega atom rifle

3.) ...become Fallout Online.

4.) a multiplayer game in general

5.) in real time.

6.) just like Diablo but with Fallout stuff.

7.) like FF7 but with Fallout stuff.

8.) ...take place in China.

9.) ...have Mega Super Advanced Power Armor given to you at the beginning of the game.

10.) ...have plentiful ammo, but make the ammo not do much damage.

11.) ...come out NOW.

12.) ...and others like the Nuclear Handgrenades, and some change-the-entire-game-structure ideas.

Hell Patrol
>1.) A first person shooter.

bull. Fallout is a turn based RPG, let's keep it that way. if you want shooters, check Half life mod

>2.) ...have Nuclear hand grenades, super
>duper mega atom rifle

let's make it more like Mad Max. more primitive weapons, crosbows and such

>3.) ...become Fallout Online.

an option, it would be good to play it online, like Everquest or AC or whatever

>4.) a multiplayer game in

as I said, option, I'd still like the main plot

>5.) in real time.

no way! real time sux. maybe an option for real time but you have more "reality" in turn based. ALthough Fallout's TB model must be tweaked a lot, but it's better than the real time

>8.) ...take place in China.


>9.) ...have Mega Super Advanced Power
>Armor given to you at
>the beginning of the game.

please, use this forum for mature suggestions, not bull like this

No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite

Sorry, twas just a copy of Xotor's rules for NMA's old Fallout 3 message board, and I thought I should remind you in a humorous manner that with these new boards you guys are subject to all the idiocy posted above, since there is no rule page to stop people from postin'.

And BTW I agree with most everything you said(except for the possible option of multiplayer. I don't think that should even be considered for Fallout 3. If it were Fallout Online, then yes, but the story-driven Fallout 3 everyone is expecting should not be tainted with multiplayer stuff.) Especially the crap about China and the weapons(I posted on a different post my dislikes on the new weapons in Fallout 2, and how that trend should not be prevailant in Fallout 3.)

I apologize that my post was not interpreted in the way I intended it to be.

Hell Patrol
RE: Sorry

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-00 AT 04:01AM (GMT)[p]About FF7...hello no.

The whole FF franchise sucks ass in my opinion.

I want the graphics to be like either Torment or like Pool of Radiance 2. I definately don't want it to use a 3D engine. Those engines can't handle the level of detail that brings the Fallout world to life (as with BG and Torment). And once they could, they would need serious horsepower.

Graphics like Torment or Diablo 2 are much more plausible. I like the handpainted backgrounds of Fallout and BG and Torment.
Graphics wise, I just want more detail and a smoother look to Fallout with support for 3D acceleration (for lighting, blood, weapons effects - muzzle flash, explosions, sparks). I want the graphics to remain 2D but with a level of detail that would put the Infinity engine's gorgeous hand-painted backgrounds and character models to shame.

New things I want....
-the ability to modify your car more.
-possibly more options for travel (motorcycle, simple bike, etc. - no planes and crap*) *damn censorship
-better NPC's (more alive, smarter, and a little more control over.
-real-time option (like Baldur's Gate)
-ambient sounds (I'll go into much more detail soon)
-skills increase with use
-bigger game world of course
-possible co-op MP like in BG (not that important, though)

Ambient sounds...
After playing Baldur's Gate, I have a whole new perspective on what ambient sound is.
Here's a small example of what Redding would be using ambient sounds like BG.

In the daytime it could have the sound of mines being digged and worked on. Pass the casino and you could hear the dings and cranks of the slot machines and the sound of dice hitting the tables. Walk out and you would hear that Western type of music playing along with the sounds of the mines. Walk into the Malamute Saloon and you would hear the chatter of people, the sound of mugs hitting the bar. Then at night, the mines are closed and you hear animals of the night (crickets, coyotes, and possibly Wanimingos) with that Western music off, but maybe an eerie toon.

That's one of the most important things to me. So basically, if Fallout 3 was made using a modified Infinity engine, I would have everything I need.
Sorry but I have to disagree with a few of those ideas. If it were a first person shooter it would ruin the whole game. Also it already is like Diablo just not real time fighting. And finally if you had these mega super duper weapons the game would be too easy, and you can't just start out with super duper mega armor, we need a challenge.(Maybe not you of course)
Dude, allaya chill, its a JOKE! Don't be so damn literal all the time.
Have you ever heard of sarcasm?

Gah!! I can't understand you didn't get that this was a joke!!
RE: Have you ever heard of sarcasm?

Sad. If you don't put smileys in every possible place, people just don't recognise sarcasm. Of course it's harder when not face to face, but still...
3D engine

Fallout 3 (assuming it ever gets made) MUST have a 3D engine, IMHO. A 2D sprite infested universe may allow a little more detail in places, but for the most part is severely limited. For instance, the fact that Fallout 1&2 had 2D sprites was why there were so few character models, why many guns (i.e. shotguns/rifles/bb guns, flamers/bozars/plama rifles, etc.) all looked the same, and why certain types of characters could only use certain types of weapons. Wasn't anyone else ever frustarted when they found out certain characters could, for instance, only use pistols and SMG's but not rifles or big ass things like miniguns? The reason it was like that is because, with a 2D engine, it requires more and more character animations whenever you make someone capable of using a new weapon. With a 3D engine, any character could be able to use any weapon, and it wouldn't really mean much of an increase in memory or whatnot. Plus, all the weapons would actually LOOK DIFFERENT. You wouldn't have to wonder whether or not that guy holding a generic rifle was actually wielding a Jackhammer or a pipe rifle -- the two guns would actually look like they do in the inventory. And remember how all the different punches and kicks in Fallout 2 looked the same? With a 3D engine, it would be easy to make them entirely unique. A haymaker would actually look like a haymaker.

Hasn't anyone here seen Kingpin? From what I heard, no two characters in that game looked alike. If Fallout 3 used a 3D engine, it could be the same way. No longer would the same character model be used to represent people who are described as looking completely different. Remember how in Fallout 2 the 'balding guy in a green shirt' model was used for dozens of different characters, from rich boy Mr. Bishop to starving, homeless characters? With a 3D engine, Bishop could be entirely unique looking, dressed up in an expensive suit, while homeless guys could be filthy, emaciated freaks. People would actually look like the description you get when you put the icon over them. Plus, it would be able to customize your character's appearence before you start the game. And when something happens in the game that would change your appearance (i.e., the Masticator biting your ear off), you would actually see it.

2D, sprite based graphics are quickly becoming a thing of the past. By the time Fallout 3 comes out, using anything other than a 3D engine would be insane.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-00 AT 10:30AM (GMT)[p]Seems to me like you were posting everything Fallout 3 SHOULDN'T be/have!
RE: 3D engine

You Don´t mean that it´s gonna have to be a
1:st-Person-Shot-down-all-that-moves-game ??

OR DO YOU ??? <----Said with that cool, kinda Demonic voice
RE: 3D engine

>You Don´t mean that it´s gonna
>have to be a
>1:st-Person-Shot-down-all-that-moves-game ??
>OR DO YOU ???
> <----Said with that cool,
>kinda Demonic voice

He didn't say that. 3D does not mean it will have a first person view. It also doesn't mean it will have a tomb raider 3rd person perspective. The third installment in the fallout series if it ever gets made will have a 3/4 isometric view, just like the previous fallouts.
thank god they announced even tho it is a 3d world it's not a first person game. i almost died when i heard i thought it would be first person.
there had better not be any multiplayer. because then the focus would shift to multiplayer & not the storyline.
the only game which pulled that off was half-life & the last few sections sucked (e.g alien world)

in fallout 3 you need to have a life tho, & i think you should be able to rotate the view into a fallout 1/2 camera angle, or be able to select it as default....

think of the posibilites of the 3d engine, you could rotate the view sitting just behind an opponents shoulder, you attempt to shoot them in the head, you hit them & see blood shoot out of them. be interesting to say the least. it has potential (if they make it)