It Wandered In From the Wastes

I swear, I've taken to outright staying away from the underground sections of the game unless there is a mission requiring it, or I hear something is interesting down there.
They're just monotonous, some are identical to the point that you get lost because you could have sworn you just came through there, and there's not even really any decent loot.
One particularly long stretch nearly killed my interest in playing the game at all. I ended up sprinting past waves of enemies, through the corridors, and to one of the surface exits. Hocked what little I had found, and turned off the game.
They're just monotonous, some are identical to the point that you get lost because you could have sworn you just came through there, and there's not even really any decent loot.
One particularly long stretch nearly killed my interest in playing the game at all. I ended up sprinting past waves of enemies, through the corridors, and to one of the surface exits. Hocked what little I had found, and turned off the game.