Sudden Fallout 2 Death Syndrome, bug, Please Help!!!


First time out of the vault
Here is the bug, says I'm dying from rads, well, I'm not. I've heard that possibly my CH is dropping to 0 and that's why I'm dying, however I find this unlikely. Anyone got an explanation? I've been nerding out and this is demoralizing! I wanna play without fear of sudden death! Help! Please!

Thank you NMA for being an awesome place for O.G Fallout fans!!!!
But it says that your character is suffering from a significant amount of radiation poisoning...
When you click on the "Radiated" the infobox still says that you are suffering from a massive amount of radiation poisoning.
Find a doctor or chem NPC and buy 1 or 2 more radaways and chug them.


How'd you manage to get so massively irradiated in Chyna-town to begin with?
You're dying because of your CHA going to zero. The stat check is however done inside a radiation check. It's fine to have stat zero as long as you're not irradiated. So it's the combination of those 2 that kills you. Get rid of the radiation with radaway/doctor. If you're not in time, then temporarily raise your stat with a save editor.