Sue Yahoo


Vault Dweller
LOS ANGELES, Aug 5 (Reuters) - A California lawyer who has waged an ongoing battle with Yahoo Inc. over personal attacks made against him on Yahoo message boards has filed a proposed class-action lawsuit against the company.

The suit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday by associates of corporate attorney Stephen Galton, claims Yahoo has unfairly protected people who post negative messages on its bulletin boards and falsely advertised that it prevents such abusive messages.

"It wouldn't be prudent for us to comment on this pending lawsuit," Yahoo spokeswoman Mary Osako said in a statement.

Galton is a partner in the firm of Galton & Helm, which specializes in insurance law. He registered to use Yahoo message boards in early 2004 in order to respond to a negative late-2003 post about one of his clients, which he did not identify in the suit.

After Galton posted his response, under the screen name "stephengalton," he was subjected to name-calling by various other users of the message boards.

One user, a person using the screen name "mumioler" who had posted the original messages about Galton's client that started the dispute, wrote a series of new messages calling Galton a "shyster" and an "overly robust geezer that makes a living walking behind the elephant with a shovel."

Other users also took personal shots at Galton, and he filed suit in April of this year against them. At the same time, he sought their personal information via a subpoena from Yahoo. The company, the suit said, responded with incomplete or inaccurate information.

The suit proposes as a class any California resident who has been targeted by abusive messages on a Yahoo board, who tried to get such messages stopped or learn the identity of the message poster, and who had such requests denied within the last four years. It seeks restitution, a permanent injunction and other forms of relief.

I wonder if someone would one day sue NMA for one of Rosh's notorious deeds :lol:
They should instead sue Al Gore for failing to design the internet with proper safeguards against such activities.
This is why our country pisses me off. You couldnt be allowed to sue for something so stupid. But then again, he IS a lawyer himself. Pathetic.
Goddamn.... Sueing yahoo, because someone on their messageboard called him names?

That person deserves nothing less than 3 swift kicks to the nuts and a Half-hour counceling session involving a crowbar.
This is like that guy who sued some big foodchain after he burned his tongue on some coffee, filled in a container that allegedly didn't have a warning saying that its contents might be hot.
People like this are idiots, but they wouldn't even be trying it if our judical system hadn't given them hope of a good chance of winning.
Gus said:
This is like that guy who sued some big foodchain after he burned his tongue on some coffee, filled in a container that allegedly didn't have a warning saying that its contents might be hot.

Actually it was a woman, who burned her private parts because she placed a McDonalds coffee between her legs…. Well…. A nasty spill and….. 2ed degree burns.

Basically she has sued and WON 10 million.
The case is now in appeal since Ronald didnt want to pay her 10 Mil
Sovz said:
Gus said:
This is like that guy who sued some big foodchain after he burned his tongue on some coffee, filled in a container that allegedly didn't have a warning saying that its contents might be hot.

Actually it was a woman, who burned her private parts because she placed a McDonalds coffee between her legs…. Well…. A nasty spill and….. 2ed degree burns.

Basically she has sued and WON 10 million.
The case is now in appeal since Ronald didnt want to pay her 10 Mil

Let's not forget the idiots who sue fast food joints because they had the greasy food and became obese.
No, they're fucking idiots. Who should be sterilized, lobotamised, and sold as sex slaves to the french.
Jew-god is worse, after all, he let 6 million of his "chosen people" die... at least he didnt sue the nazi's over it..
This is like that guy who sued some big foodchain after he burned his tongue on some coffee, filled in a container that allegedly didn't have a warning saying that its contents might be hot.

What most people don't know about that case is that the problem wasn't that the woman didn't know the contents were hot, the problem was that the contents were TOO hot. The coffee literally melted through the styrofoam cup and splashed on her groin. The cause of this was that the McDonalds in the area heated their coffee above the standard temperature, because a lot of locals preferred it that way.
Never underestimate a persons ability to be an idoit. still think we need to hunt down the pure true idoits and put a slug in their heads then burn the bodies so the stupid desiease doesnt spread from it. but thats just meh.

think this sue yahoo stuff is just retarded. I thought this country had freedom of speech. guess not since this crap is starting up. if the lawyer didnt want any bullshit from folks on yahoo he shoulda just stopped replying or used his "intelligence" to write up something that makes them shutup.

Im starting to belive in the saying. "Adults only THINK they're mature."
If the opportunity arose to lift ten mill out of ol' McDonalds pocket like that, I'd seize it at once. That Stephen Galton dude however should have his pic in the dictionary under 'nincompoop'.
Bradylama said:
The coffee literally melted through the styrofoam cup and splashed on her groin. The cause of this was that the McDonalds in the area heated their coffee above the standard temperature, because a lot of locals preferred it that way.
Liebeck placed the cup between her knees and attempted to remove the plastic lid from the cup. As she removed the lid, the entire contents of the cup spilled into her lap.
Also, I don't think it was 10 million:
The jury awarded Liebeck $200,000 in compensatory damages. This amount was reduced to $160,000 because the jury found Liebeck 20 percent at fault in the spill. The jury also awarded Liebeck $2.7 million in punitive damages, which equals about two days of McDonalds' coffee sales....
The trial court subsequently reduced the punitive award to $480,000...
The parties eventually entered into a secret settlement which has never been revealed to the public
I've not checked the validity of this site, and there may well be another high profile "McDonald's Coffee Case", but a few other sites had similar information.

Though I must admit that I misremembered it at first, I thought that she'd been driving the car (she wasn't) and that the coffee spilled when the car was in motion (it wasn't).
a lawsuit over a flame ? bwahahahahha good job:


as for the McD thingy, i always wondered why the coffee & tea cups there had +80°c written on it in huge letters (in belgium that is)