Suggestion: The Archive

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Ok I don’t know if people think that this is a good idea or not but here goes any way. How about starting a Fan Fic/P & P based group called something like ‘The Archive’. It’d be kinda like ‘The Mod Squad’ but to do with Fan Fics and P & P. How TMS will prepare mods for people who want them we would provide P & P resource etc. when people want them. Of course we would have simple ranks

Person in Charge
Head of Fan Fics
Head of P & P

Just basic things to know who to direct E-mails to, and departments of people who will write certain things. Nothing strict just to lay an outline to it. You could join through a form in Slinky’s site to which there would be a link through my site and any others in a group of sites we would call the archive. Our message board would be Slinky’s for everything except P & P which would be my message board. We would have links from each others sites etc. It’s just an idea I want some feedback on before I think about to much please reply

Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-01 AT 09:59PM (GMT)[p]I tried to get something like that going ages ago, before I even knew this site had a fan fiction board, but I couldn't foster enough interest. Just 'caus I can, I'm going to include the logo that the group was going to use before it all went to hell.

Damn, converting that thing made it look grainy as hell...

-I'm not a pessimist, I just think realistically
I like the idea I just don't know if we can get enough interest in it. How many people will actually want FanFics or P&P resourses? I'd like to see a more detailed outline and know what I'm needed to do before I go ahead and announce wether I will join or not.

-True Raven
Well it would be fun to start. We already have the intrest of everyone on the Fan Fic board don't we. I mean if you look at the popularity of the other Fallout P & P sites.

What you're required to do
Maybe moderate a forum or something if we can get it working. Thats a big if though. We already have two Archive sites we can use mine and Slinky's and i'm sure you all have some more. You may be asked to write some resources. Of course no one can force anyone to do anything. But no one forces us to post our fan Fics here we still do. Why because it's fun!!! Right?

The way i see it we would have a P & P message board and a Fan Fic one. All the sites would have links to thge primary pages of the other sites.

The way i see it it's worth a try just without having to join and all that. If you agree i'll make the releveant adaptions to my site. Please people reply

Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught
Well, I think that it would be more of a fanfic exhibition/archive, a fanfic forum, and a section devoted to Fallout P&P. Kinda like the way it's divided up here, but devoted solely to Fanfics/P&P.

"I'm not a pessimist, I just think realistically."
As of now, there's not an "it" to be "in", but I'd be glad to get in on the ground floor, although all I've contributed to this board is one fledglig fic, a comedy bit, and two crappy pictures.

(If you know what I'm talking about, you've been around for awhile... hoo...)
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-01 AT 02:22PM (GMT)[p]That would be cool.:)
IFF i could get that stupid motherfucking asshole jævlade kukskalade satanistiske ferbainade spellingprogram off mine working. :-(
I would like to join.
satan if faen i helvete i got angry
The Archive is now in existence. Just go to my site at


and go to join Archive. I'm going to put together a description and post on the genereal forum. Ohh and if Slinky's reading this could she please reply about her thoughts of this. I was imagining it would be more a group containing sites and hers is one of the best around. Plus she has a great forum. I'm working on a submit a site thing as well so whole sites can join but i'm getting pretty ambitious.

ohh and Yamu we are also a group partially dedicated to the thoery of the Fallout storyline, AKA your specialty. It's very useful to those of us who write P & P things to know what the best thoeries on things are. There's a question in it on the sign up form

Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-01 AT 09:40AM (GMT)[p]This is Yamu speaking, I just stepped into the guise of one of my old identities on the board, and am too lazy to step out.

Okay, that out of that way, I'm gonna ask a question. I went to your site to join, but it said to click on the link below, and there was none. Plus, I don't have my own site, is that going to be a problem?

Boss Gauss

"I'll see you in hell...I'll be the one wearing the sombrero!"

(Oh, and if you want proof that this is Yamu, check my profile, and then check Yamu's profile. Lord, Boss Gauss was stupid...)
Check the top left hand corner of the page. sign the guestbook on join the archive. Sorry i didn't make that clear enough. Ohh and abvout having your site that doesn't matter. I didn't have a site until a while back. It doesn't matter. Oh and the core rules will be up soon i'm trying to work as much on them as possible but i have homework. they should be up soon and i could use your help with your expertise of the story line soon. Anyway gotta go

Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught