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Ok i was looking back at some stuff on the general forum. I was reading about Mr_Teaky and his suggestion of a fan fiction contest. Although a lot of his ideas are silly it could work. T

There would be no prizes and it would be done just for the fun of it. Although we could award the winner the karmic title
"Best Fan Ficer" along with a fallout perk style picture of a guy with a book for his signature. Of course that would require some sort of a picture editor. Anyway i'm sure i could think of something given a little more time. Replies welcome.

It's only cheating if you get caught
Heh, Mr. Teaky was pretty funny. He wanted POWER but he couldn't get himself to sound anymore professional than a wannabe UO power-leveler. Guys like him are why GEEZMOU's demeanor is just short of superlative negative description.

Remember GEEZMOU? Author of such magnificent works as:

"brilant idea for game fallout th 3rd"

"dont u guys rememberDEUS? ex its WONDERFUL"

"wheres the fallout3 mesagebord"

"1prson in falout th 3rd"
I think its a good idea

Sounds good to me. Do the mods come here any more?
Idea for Judging

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-00 AT 04:07AM (GMT)[p]One of the reasons I like this board (and think it's the best on here) is because the Mods don't bother us. Nobody flames anyone else and we all coexist peacefully. We govern ourselves and do a damn good job of it. So I think letting a Mod decide who wins is kinda dumb. If they're not here usually then why should they decide who wins? They could cast a vote like anyone else but they shouldn't have the final say.

I think we should have one post. Everyone gets one vote and they can't vote for themselves. We'll keep the polls open for a few days and then tally up the votes. (No recounts :P)

Good Idea?

- True Raven
(my other work of art)
RE: Idea for Judging

>No recounts

Al Gore speaks:

I think that we should have recounts, because it's my last chance at winning the election with my FanFic:

A Post-Apocalyptic White House Scandal
by Al Gore

One day Bill Clinton had sex with an intern and then he was very brave and honorable and admitted his mistake and we should all follow his example because he is a good president. And you should also vote for me because I'm an environmentalist and that wannabe John Nader can't even hold a candle to my environmental skills. If you vote for me, I will save the turf at some football stadium in Tenessee because turf is people too.

I have just been informed that his name is Ralph. Sorry. Well anyway screw you bastards who'd vote for him because I am Al Gore and he cares NOTHING ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT, THE BIGOTED BASTARD AND HE'S ALWAYS STEALING VOTE THE STUPID LITTLE

I apologize. See, I'm willing to admit my mistakes so you should vote for me and then I'll save the environment.
RE: Idea for Judging

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-00 AT 04:51AM (GMT)[p]Al Gore speaks:

Apparently you gave me scathing reviews because my fanfic has nothing to do with post-apocalysm, well screw you, you stupid book reviewers! All of you should go to hell so that I can get votes from the anti-book reviewer coalition.

I apologize. You see, Al Gore is more apologetic than George W. Bush, he won't even apologize for being a stupid bastard and he and that Nidder fellow are stealing my votes so they can all go to hell, the bastards.

I apologize, you see Al Gore...

(the speech went on for several hours with Al Gore pissing off lots of non-Gore voters and ruining his career before it finally came to a close)

I apologize to anyone who dislikes the Klu Klux Klan. You see, Al Gore is apologetic and... BZZZzzZZZZzzzz... warning malfunction malfunction malfuntion self-destruct device activated whirrrrrrrr crack hisssssssss POP BOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!

George Bush speaks to our interviewer on the subject of Al Gore turning out to be a robot:

Hey, look at this bastard, he think's he's all that, well boo hoo hooooooooo. What in tarnation is a darn-tootin' mike? Oh, the ON switch, heheheheheeee tee hee heee, silly ol' me.... crap.
Idea for a Reward

I think this should be special for the person who wins. So much time and effort are put into every Fic that the winner needs not only a cool looking sig. Maybe the runner up could do a little write up about the author's Fic, kinda like a book review. Is that a halfway decent idea?

-True Raven
(My other project)