Suggestions : Make a real Fallout 3 without the mythos?


First time out of the vault
My question is:

If WE (or I :lol: ) made Fallout 3 and the mythos/intellectual property was unavailable to us, how would we approach it?

Why do I ask:
I think the hammer has dropped and shown Fallout 3's true colours. Once you play it for a few days you come to realize what's wrong. It's not Fallout in any manner. Bethesda claimed the most important part of Fallout was the music, and ... that's all they got right, good job!

Here is the premise:
-It would be a brand new IP+Mythos, yet retain enough Fallout feel to be Fallout 3. It could even play off the story line in an abstract way.
-You could argue that the mythos+IP are integral to Fallout, but I disagree if you look at it from a Final Fantasy perspective. Every FF game is essentially part of the series and deserving of being a sequel even though some are unrelated.
-Basically, I accept that Bethesda has Fallout by the balls and the only way to make a true sequel would be to skirt around their lockdown of the mythos+IP.

What makes Fallout ... Fallout? Does it really need to be post-apocalypse?:
-I think Bethesda proves with Fallout 3 that there's a chance at creating a true Fallout game without the apocalypse, because it sure didn't help them.
-For nostalgia sake though, should it be post-apocalyptic? It's easy to change the time period even slightly to fully avoid intellectual property battles.

What do you guys think? :
-Perhaps the first step would be to catalog every reason why Fallout 3 != Fallout 1 && Fallout 3 != Fallout 2, but...
-I'd prefer if we can figure out if Fallout can be made without the mythos/IP at all. Is the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system, dialog trees, etc.. good enough to make a game Fallout? There's no way they have a lockdown on those legally, because Dungeons & Dragons was the first to create the concept, just without the word "special".
-Lionheart was a perfect example of what my post is leaning towards. Fallout without the IP. But, Lionheart was a disaster and I feel mostly due to the build quality, and combat being crap.

I would've put this in the "General" discussion, but you're not allowed to talk Fallout 3 there..., and I avoided the "Future" section since it's dead and this isn't necessarily about trying to give ideas to Bethesda.
booyah said:
Bethesda claimed the most important part of Fallout was the music, and ... that's all they got right, good job!

Sorry but I don't think that even that is true. Mark Morgan's soundtrack is WAY deeper.
Multidirectional said:
booyah said:
Bethesda claimed the most important part of Fallout was the music, and ... that's all they got right, good job!

Sorry but I don't think that even that is true. Mark Morgan's soundtrack is WAY deeper.

LOL, ok so they epically failed across the board. I was trying to find something they did alright in..., but I guess that's tough.
bhlaab said:
You're going to have to wait for official mod tools for this to happen.

I think this thread ended up in the wrong section.

I'm actually counting on making the game without mod tools.
booyah said:
What do you guys think? :
-Perhaps the first step would be to catalog every reason why Fallout 3 != Fallout 1 && Fallout 3 != Fallout 2, but...
-I'd prefer if we can figure out if Fallout can be made without the mythos/IP at all. Is the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system, dialog trees, etc.. good enough to make a game Fallout? There's no way they have a lockdown on those legally, because Dungeons & Dragons was the first to create the concept, just without the word "special".
-Lionheart was a perfect example of what my post is leaning towards. Fallout without the IP. But, Lionheart was a disaster and I feel mostly due to the build quality, and combat being crap.

Well, IMO Lionheart was a great game until the end of Chapter 1. After that it's a bad Diablo clone. The early Barcelona was done very well though, it feels like the developers lost their steam in process of making the game.

I'm also not sure where you're going with the argument, if you make a game with a totally different gaming system, it's not really Fallout anymore. Granted, it could be a good RPG (just like Troika's PA RPG could've been)
Ausdoerrt said:
booyah said:
What do you guys think? :
-Perhaps the first step would be to catalog every reason why Fallout 3 != Fallout 1 && Fallout 3 != Fallout 2, but...
-I'd prefer if we can figure out if Fallout can be made without the mythos/IP at all. Is the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system, dialog trees, etc.. good enough to make a game Fallout? There's no way they have a lockdown on those legally, because Dungeons & Dragons was the first to create the concept, just without the word "special".
-Lionheart was a perfect example of what my post is leaning towards. Fallout without the IP. But, Lionheart was a disaster and I feel mostly due to the build quality, and combat being crap.

Well, IMO Lionheart was a great game until the end of Chapter 1. After that it's a bad Diablo clone. The early Barcelona was done very well though, it feels like the developers lost their steam in process of making the game.

I'm also not sure where you're going with the argument, if you make a game with a totally different gaming system, it's not really Fallout anymore. Granted, it could be a good RPG (just like Troika's PA RPG could've been)

The gaming system would be near exact. Just changed enough to avoid any legal disputes.

It would incorporate elements from F1 & F2 to make it a true "F3".

Regarding your doubts about the mythos, an obvious route (beside licensing Wasteland ;)) would be to make it some kind of a Fantasy Western. That way, you could keep pretty much every aspect of the Fallout world while making it distinct enough not to provoke a lawsuit.

Radiation was never a large part of Fallout gameplay, but that could be incorporated too, let's say, by making the quest start some years after a Tunguska-level meteorite crash.

The real problem is the game system, despite what you said, since Beth holds the rights to SPECIAL.

Traits are easy to conceal - make them animal totems. So, Small Frame is Cheetah, Night Person can be Owl, and so on. While it's mostly a name change, some of it could be used in dialogue and it fits in the context of the world.

As for the general stats, you could divide the skills into body (ST, EN, AG) and soul (IN, CH, PE) or something like that and go from there. But that's all cosmetic.

The challenge is not to create a working system, but to make it FEEL like Fallout.

Basically, I'm not sure where I'm going with this anymore. Bottom line is, I guess, that a Western setting would suit the original Fallout gameplay well.