Suicidal Sulik


First time out of the vault
Hey guys.
Im playing through my second Fallout2 experience with the new Restoration Patch.

Anyway, i dont know if its a new bug introduced by the patch, but sulik refuses to take stimpacs when hurt and will just continue to take damage until he dies, despite the combat preset to heal himself. When i played fallout2 two years ago with killaps old patch, i had no such problem. what can i do?
Check if his combat settings have been set to "never use chems" for some reason.
Give stimpacs to sulik? What a rediculous notion, you know he's just going to trade them for magic beans as soon as your not paying attention to him. But in all seriousness, not having stims gives your followers a serious case of not using stims.
Change is setting to when hurt "a bit", that might help. He might only be willing to take them when his health is too low to help.