sulik/weapons question

Could someone tell me if the PC has a set number of animations? I need to know if the tribal look at the start can use plasma rifles.
The male tribal has the same ones as Sulik, i.e. no big rifle. The female one probably only has the spear and/or knife.
Forgotten said:
Could someone tell me if the PC has a set number of animations? I need to know if the tribal look at the start can use plasma rifles.

Male: No big rifles, no rifles, and I think no handguns that use a "pistol" animation. I think it has th "club" animation.

As for the female, Per's most likely correct.

So the answer to your question is: No, no plasma rifle for a tribal. If you try to equip a weapon your naked tribal character has no frmaes for, it'll turn invisible and certainly crash if you try to move.
NPC Male Primitive
NMWARRD* - Knife
NMWARRF* - Sledge
NMWARRG* - Spear

NPC Female Primitive
NFPRIMD* - Knife
NFPRIMF* - Sledge
NFPRIMG* - Spear
Funny that the female can use sledgehammers, since I'm pretty certain there are no locations or encounters where they have them. You could plant them in a peaceful tribal encounter though, before attacking.
Per said:
Funny that the female can use sledgehammers, since I'm pretty certain there are no locations or encounters where they have them.

I just gave an NFPRIM a sledge in the mapper, pressed F8 and checked if she uses it. She killed me in 5 swings. Bitch :lol:
Per said:
Funny that the female can use sledgehammers.

That must be for putting them in their proper place.

The quarry.

Or maybe it's for some Anime fan modders out there.

Still, a hilarity (and nice of you dude_obj to move your butt and check it instead of guessing like I did :D)
I am 100% sure that the tribal male model can't use a club. I tried to give myself a slugger from the start and the game crashed when I equipped it. So I just beat the temple Hand-to-hand untill I got the spear inside it, and started using the slugger once I had the vault suit.

Slightly OT, in Fallout 3 I'd like to see the ability to control your appearance beyond just armor, and have it show an effect. I'll not drag this OT though.
funny that nobody mentioned that there are two male tribals and two female tribals, the Sulik frm is not the same as the player frm. The hair is diferant. The player frm for both male and female can only use spear. And, as dude_obj said:

dude_obj said:
NPC Male Primitive
NMWARRD* - Knife
NMWARRF* - Sledge
NMWARRG* - Spear

this is the Sulik frm

NPC Female Primitive
NFPRIMD* - Knife
NFPRIMF* - Sledge
NFPRIMG* - Spear

this is the other femal tribal frm with a slightly diferant haircut than the female player frm.

And as a last note, you should try the b-team mod, I just did that myself and it is extremely cool. Sulik could use any weapon I wanted!! :D (but I killed him because he didn't like me kiling children)