Super Char download problem

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Weeeeeeell... I've downloaded the Super Character pack from this site and followed the directions (I think, since I'm in need of help I think I missed something) but the new char I make doesn't have the 10 stats I'm promised. I extract into the Fallout Tactics folder and nothing happens. What do I do to make my new and improved Super Warrior for the Good Cause come into reality? Pleeeeeeese help.

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-01 AT 10:34AM (GMT)[p]Well after beatign the game i wanted a soem fun i down loaded the cheat for the super guys but it dose not work :( i got the one from this site and the address in the post above. and it still will not work
I tried the "FOT Hack" program over at DAC ( and it worked great. 100 for all stats, and skills all really high too (all 200%-450% at the beginning, since starting skill values are based off stats)
I can send you a file to give you straight tens if you want. You want me to email it to you?