Super Mutant- NCR war


First time out of the vault
Lets say, the 'bad' Super Mutants and the Nightkin try to have skirmishes with the NCR like how they did in that game that shall be known only as 3. Because it doesn't deserve the rest of the title. Would the NCR if they tried hard enough be able to exterminate the Super Mutants in New Vegas? I could see them launching an assault on Black Mountain, and the Brutes and Nightkins being the biggest threats.
Only if Marcus led them. Nightkin in FNV are a force to be reckoned with. Even against the Legion.

Also I don't get the part "try to have skirmishes with the NCR like how they did in that game that shall be known only as 3". You can't compare Beth mutants to the rest as they literally don't have a brain capable of any tactics. And it's a totally different game world. No NCR in "3".
Why would this happen? There are maybe fifty super mutants in the Mojave, what would they have to gain in a war with NCR?
Courier said:
Why would this happen? There are maybe fifty super mutants in the Mojave, what would they have to gain in a war with NCR?

How the hell, did I try to quote LinkPain and I ended up quoting you? Weird huh...Well anyway, from my chats with Marcus I can take that the Nightkin and some mutants hate the NCR so I could see one little 'mistake' made by the NCR can lead to the Nightkin rebelling agaisnt Marcus and fighting the NCR.
To be frank I'm pretty tired of Super Mutants. They were only really interesting in Fallout and 2 and since then they have outgrown being interesting. Even the Marcus bits in Fallout NV was kinda phoned in.

But to answer your question I don't think there is enough Super Mutants to pose much of a threat.
fifty super mutants
I believe each perk rank of mutant massacerer requires the killing of 50 mutants. The Mutants would obviously lose a war against either a victorious NCR or Legion, however I imagine that they would take alot of Rangers or Praetorians down with them.
LinkPain said:
You can't compare Beth mutants to the rest as they literally don't have a brain capable of any tactics.

"I have a joke for you. Ready? Knock knock. Who's there? Humans. Humans who? Kill the humans, kill them all! Hahahahaha."
I don't think that respawning SMs in New Vegas are supposed to be taken as proof of their numbers.
Well if we go by how many you see in the game at one time then ceasars legion is just about 30 or so guys.
We only see a very small percentage of Legion controlled territory, we see all of Black Mountain and Jacobstown. The number or super mutants in the Mojave is probably somewhere around fifty, and a good chunk of them are killed by the player at Black Mountain. Without Veronica there all the mutants head to Jacobstown where they're led by Marcus who has no desire to be violent towards the NCR.
Yes but the you also see only around 100 or so NCR soldiers even though supposedly they have tens of thousands. You just can't have a million npcs in game. Also keep in mind that the NCR only wins in one of the endings so thier could be a House or Legion war with the Mutants.
Where exactly do you think all these super mutants come from? The super mutants the Master created are the only super mutants on the west coast, and a good number of them are dead already. The SM's you see in the Mojave are all that are there, no major faction would have any trouble exterminating every last one of them after winning Hoover Dam.

Actually, that would be Tabitha, not Veronica

My mistake, I got the names mixed up. They do sound a bit similar.

Edit: And the super mutants the Enclave created. The first generation Master mutants and second gen Enclave mutants are the only ones in existence on the west coast.
And of course the East coast mutants that came from somewhere else, dunno where, why bother to explain it? They didn't come from the master just another source. Cheers Bethesda. Why did they do that? Why didn't they just say they were wandering refugees of the master's mutant army that moved east and came upon Washington. Why create ANOTHER source?

The mutants are sterile and their numbers should be dwindling. Mutants should be a very, very small part of Fallout from now on. Move on, mutants are just remnants of the storyline of Fallout one.

NCR, Legion would wipe out New Vegas mutants- agreed.
Iabimyshkin said:
And of course the East coast mutants that came from somewhere else, dunno where, why bother to explain it? They didn't come from the master just another source. Cheers Bethesda. Why did they do that? Why didn't they just say they were wandering refugees of the master's mutant army that moved east and came upon Washington. Why create ANOTHER source?

Well, you could say they did that because there wouldn't be enough left over from the West Coast to pose a threat, although Bethesda didn't care about that when it came to the Enclave.

Quagmire69 said:
Yes but the you also see only around 100 or so NCR soldiers even though supposedly they have tens of thousands. You just can't have a million npcs in game. Also keep in mind that the NCR only wins in one of the endings so thier could be a House or Legion war with the Mutants.

You also only see an incredibly small portion of NCR-Controlled territory.
Quagmire69 said:
Yes but the you also see only around 100 or so NCR soldiers even though supposedly they have tens of thousands.

You aren't considering the whole picture. New Vegas and surrounding isn't (yet) NCR territory so they can't have their whole army stationed there. Nonetheless they have multiple bases: camp golf, camp McCarran, Searchlight (before the Legion attack) and so on. Sure, when you are there there aren't hundreds of soldier but that's a limitation of the engine.

But there can't be more than one or two hundreds of SMs in the area. Their only confirmed bases are Jacobstown (a ski resort) and Black Mountain (which doesn't have a lot of abitable space). Even with the limitation of the engine in mind those places aren't simply big enough.