

Random thought - would pre-war surnames survive in Fallout? Seems like in Fallout they are in decline or at least aren't mentioned or remembered - most characters simply carry just a name or nickname.

Only in developed areas (either survivalist or dating to pre-war days) they appear, like in Junktown (Killian Darkwater), Hub (Butch Harris, Hightower et al), the Brotherhood (Maxson), Vault City (Moreau, McClure...)...

So, would they remain in use? Or die out? Or something other?
Probably, just something to keep who's who straight. Maybe something like John from Arroyo or Billy Gunrunner. Something stating where they were from or what they do.
That and you don't want two Katjas walking around.

Katja One
Katja Two

Damn that would suck as a last name.

I think a lot of names definitely died out, that's something you couldn't avoid.

Perhaps the vaults had records.
Ah-Teen said:
Probably, just something to keep who's who straight. Maybe something like John from Arroyo or Billy Gunrunner. Something stating where they were from or what they do.

That's what all surnames really are, like MILLER or SMITH.
Armstrong. There's a long bitchin' story to it, but I doubt anyone cares.

And on-topic? I would imagine that a lot of surnames would die out, myself. As has been said, I imagine it'd keep things a lot simpler, especially when society has bigger things to worry about than whether you're this John Smith or that John Smith.
fallout ranger said:
Ah-Teen said:
Probably, just something to keep who's who straight. Maybe something like John from Arroyo or Billy Gunrunner. Something stating where they were from or what they do.

That's what all surnames really are, like MILLER or SMITH.

Yes that was kind of my point.

Ah-Teen Bin David Al Hadeed! What does that mouth full of words mean eh? (Yes that is what my name SHOULD BE! CANADA YOU BASTARD! No offense to any modern Canadians who played no part in giving a Syrian the name Solomon a century ago. But you will need to be annexed for this. Sorry. )
I'd agree with Ah-Teen. In a post-apocalyptic world where survival is not so certain, someone is most likely to identify him / herself by occupation or place of birth.

Perhaps, though, by the time of Fallout 2, patronymics ('son of X', 'daughter of Y') had begun to arise again. For example, whereas the Vault Dweller referred to himself as coming from Vault 13, the Chosen One gets to refer to herself as the descendant of the Vault Dweller. Just a thought - probably patronymics would be more popular in areas where inheritance or land ownership is a big deal, like in Redding or Modoc or Broken Hills.