Swedish Immigration Sillyness

John Uskglass

Venerable Relic of the Wastes
I actually think Sweden is leading the race to be the worst dhimmi-nation of the Western world. As a Scandinavian myself, I expect to get refugees across the border any time soon. Yesterday, one of the parties in Sweden proposed to ban “Islamophobia” BY LAW. Sweden has pretty much done this already, anyway, but why not make it formal? Two Swedish girls were sent home from school by their headmaster for the crime of showing up wearing sweaters that showed some tiny Swedish flags. (flag=nationalism=racism=Nazism, according to leftist, multicultural logic). At the same time, Swedish Universities are discussing whether burkas should be allowed on campus (not hijab, Taliban-style burkas).

Swedish national radio is broadcasting an Islamic sermon - in Swedish - every morning. Some city councils have suggested major Islamic holidays should be public holidays. At the same time, one of the anti-immigration parties in Sweden has asked for UN observers to monitor the Swedish elections, as they are attacked with molotov cocktails by ultra-lefties, denied ads in major newspapers, get their voting slips stolen etc., etc. Maybe Sweden will need international monitors, just like fellow banana republics such as Zimbabwe? Swedish mosques, of course, openly incite violence and even genocide of Israelis and Jews.

Most Swedish newspapers have closed their readers’ discussion forum on the internet, after one paper was convicted of racism as a couple of anti-Muslim immigration comments were allowed on their forum. Swedes who want to discuss what is happening in their country have to visit forums in Norway or Denmark.

The legal age for marriage in Sweden is 18. However, immigrant girls (read: Muslims) have been “allowed” BY LAW to marry at the age of 15. Some would call that apartheid, but hey, everything for multiculturalism. That’s only the beginning, though. It gets worse: Swedish authorities have allowed that young immigrant girls can be sent off to their parents’ country to be married even BEFORE they are 15 years old. If they are pregnant when they return, the father will automatically earn a residency permit to Sweden (and by extension the EU) for “family reunion”. All a Muslim male has to do to get into Sweden - legally - is to have sex with a CHILD. Is that disgusting or what?
Are there any Swedes here? Is that stuff actually true?..

Seems a bit too stupid to be real, you know.

But then again, Scandinavians...

(Well, actually, all I ever met were Danes and Norwegians. And to be honest, those Danes weren't all that bad...)
ARRRRRRRGHHHH. Could you at least explain why you're quoting this, CCR? As usual, you seem to talk about something you don't know shit about, because I found more bullshit in that article than in a dairy farm.

That's just propaganda from pseudo-nazi parties, who are jealous because they can't get laid, due to the small nature of their genitals. I say, get a life you uptight skinheads.
All major parties in Sweden are against racism.

And the Danes are the worst. They actually have racial laws (so do the Norwegians, but not as much).
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
It's largely true, I'm on a Swedish majority forum- http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php? - where I found it.

Largely Swedish forum my ass! Just because Paradox is based in Sweden does not by any means indicate that it is a Swedish, forum. Most of the people I know there are from the US and the UK, not to mention that the forums are mostly in English.

Besides, Paradox bans many topics from discussion at all, in the few places where they allow off topic discussion.

And this is me CCR, so I would know. Stop citing web sources that are completely unrepresentative of your view CCR.
Scientologist? wtf?

And why the flying fuck did you post the damn thing if it doesn't represent your views? You could at least comment on it.
Scientologist? wtf?
Scientologists start screaming "bigot" whenever you call them a cult. Same thing you are doing, actually.

And why the flying fuck did you post the damn thing if it doesn't represent your views? You could at least comment on it.
I found this stupid and scary, thouh I doubted all of it was true. I was curious about other people's reactions. That simple.