Syncron a Talking Head


Vault Senior Citizen
Hi quys,

i have some question, is here some one who has work with lip files?

I have a lot of Wav Files and an Animated TH now i must syncron them, but nothing will happens(errors).

So can some one who work alredy with this give me a short crashcurs in it (because i didnt work with this yet).

Thx a lot

Edit: Ok now i learnet to work with wav2lip tool, but what now? Do i have to work in Lip Editor? And will be there new versions, whewre is Eimink ?
so nobody knows something? its very imortan..meaby one from MR can help me, cause you made a tH already.

Can somoone give me mail arderss or somethin from the auto f the tool wav2lip? becasue i have some questions to him? or is he no more active?
Eimnik is still around, though I haven't see him for a few weeks. He was developing a new version of the wav2lip program a little while ago.

Anyway wav2lip is a program that scans the audio file for 'bumps' (phonemes, which are the smallest pieces of speech) and sets the lip file to move at those points.

Lip Editor is a manual method of doing this, you get a good result but it can take a while.
so with wav2lip i didnt have to use the lip editor?

i thouth you must syncron the TH and the ACM, so how can make this wav2lip without the TH frms? :crazy:

@about the new version, i have made a batch file for mass convert, because had over 100 Files, but my problem i have to add all the filenames manuell in the bat code, because the wav2lip.exe did not acept *.wav parameters so you still need the name of the file, and with a FOR command there are problems too, because you cant make for ex wav2lip -i so you need ALWAYS a wavname like -i test.wav.

I hope ypu understand me with my bad english^^
I'd say this is a very small problem - people who are familiar with windows batch should solve this within a second.

Here is an equivalent bash script for linux:


if dir -d lip/
        then echo 'dir exists, skipping'
        mkdir lip/
if dir -d txt/
        then echo 'dir exists, skipping'
        mkdir txt/
if dir -d acm/
        then echo 'dir exists, skipping'
        mkdir acm/
for b in `ls *.wav`;
	wine wav2lip.exe -i $b;
	mv "${b%.*v}".lip lip/;
	mv "${b%.*v}".txt txt/;
        mv "${b%.*v}".acm acm/;
so someone ccan help me, who knows how to control the acm for sync a npc? i found the msg files but how i set the folder in Speech?

I am very sorry for DP but i have only this week to work on the mod, and two dasy are now without working because, i cant fint the problem i looked at scripts and all nessesery files but cannot find anything.

EDIT: OK I Have it now, big thx to my man Helios!
I checked with Eimink and he's been quite busy with real life work but is still planing on releasing a new version of the wav2acm tool that will work better etc...

Not sure when sorry, like I said he's fairly busy right now.
ok hope the new one will be mass convert..beacuse i write a bat..but it it s not perfect...beacause of this -i parameter.
IMO the converter (here: wav2lip) doesn't need a "mass convertion" feature.

Either use batch / bash scripts - or build a GUI which calls wav2lip for each file you added to the current project.

Keep the tools simple, and enhance them via combinations. At least that's the philosophie I prefer :)
Simple to do really

1) Go to the folder that has all the wav files in and type this at the command prompt

dir /o /b *.wav > massconvert.txt

2) Now open up the file with notepad and type/paste wav2lip at the start of each line.

3) Rename the the txt file into a bat file

4) make sure wav2lip.exe in the same folder (or the path) and run the batch file. Done.
Just do step one and upload the file and I'll make the batch file for you, or upload a zip of the wav files

1) Go to the folder that has all the wav files in and type this at the command prompt

dir /o /b *.wav > massconvert.txt

For windows

unpack in any folder
wav files are copied into the folder program
and run 1.bat

На русском

Для windows


распакуй программу в любую папку
копируй wav файлы в папку прграммы
и запусти 1.bat

После чего получится lip файл и acm файл, можно 1000 конвертить

wav файлы должны быть с частотой 22050 гц и не больше 16 бит
heh, tschuwak blagadarju :wink:

I will look and inclued in my work, this will help a lot of modders in the future, and me because ist not the last time i work with lips ;)

i swear i had the same code, and it did'Nt its work^^

Look at my bat! (old bat my ME which not work (code same as jordan's ^^)

:: Mr.Wolna'S wav2lip Batch Converter 1.0 ::
@echo off
color 0c
echo Ein Tool zur Massenkonvertierung fuer die WAV2LIP.EXE von Mr.Wolna
echo ...................................................................
echo A tool for mass conversion for the WAV2LIP.EXE by Mr.Wolna
echo ...................................................................
color 0f
if not exist out md out

FOR /R %path% %%f in (*.wav) do (
   wav2lip -i %%f)
move %path%\*.txt .\out\
move %path%\*.lip .\out\
move %path%\*.acm .\out\

move *.lip .\out\
move *.txt .\out\
move *.acm .\out\

do not know why its not fit, anywere thx a lot jordan!
Mr.Wolna said:

i swear i had the same code, and it did'Nt its work^^

do not know why its not fit, anywere thx a lot jordan!

I´d say it didn´t work because

1. it wasn´t the same command
2. you had a path like "D:\WOLNA´s Metzger Fallout 2 Mod .bla.bla\" - which is .. ehrm.. suboptimal (Which I also told you ;-) )
ok ist done.. i have susessfull add jordans command line into my work... and i will release this little but useful tool today xD

Thx to all who has helm me with this!