System Shock 2


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
Anybody played it? I'm currently playing it with mods. My current build is a Navy character, and the difficulty is on impossible. And damn! It's hard. I can't find too many skill modules to build upon.
Warren Spector had a sick run there when he made SS, Thief and Deus Ex. He really broke the FPS mold, took things to another level.
Anybody played it? I'm currently playing it with mods. My current build is a Navy character, and the difficulty is on impossible. And damn! It's hard. I can't find too many skill modules to build upon.

I played it fairly recently but didn't get far. It's a great game however if you don't level up properly you can reach a point where you can't get any further.

Will probably play through that and the original Deus Ex soon.
Played it a few time, it's easily one of my favorite games. The gameplay is great and not a single game I've played so far has topped the mood and atmosphere of this game. I'm considering replaying it soon. What mods are you using and what do you recommend?
Played it a few time, it's easily one of my favorite games. The gameplay is great and not a single game I've played so far has topped the mood and atmosphere of this game. I'm considering replaying it soon. What mods are you using and what do you recommend?
Mainly graphics mods. SHTUP, tacticool weapons, hi res player model, psi amp, and a lot of others.
Impossible diff. is really dangerous due to cost of upgrades.

[COLOR=#0B0C0E][FONT=Courier New]Impossible : Start HP 10, Start Psi 6; +3/+5 per end/psi [/FONT][/COLOR]
Level             1      2      3      4      5      6
Tech              17     8      14     21     44     89
Stats             -      5      14     26     53     89
Weapon            21     10     14     26     64     89 
[COLOR=#0B0C0E][FONT=Courier New]Psionics   [/FONT][/COLOR]     [COLOR=#0B0C0E][FONT=Courier New]17/5   35/8   53/14 89/21 134/35 -[/FONT][/COLOR]

In addition to the high upgrade costs; due to the anti-riot / combat suppression fields (unfortunately cut explanation content) the ship has deployed, the active use of weapons mean they are degraded to useless junks in just a handful of shots.

Although you can finish it even with a pure psi build for your first run, I would strongly recommend a basic grunt build to get you started.

Standard Weapons increase the damage of pistols, shotguns, rifles AND your Wrench
Strength provides bonus damage for your Wrench and +3 inventory slots
Endurance allows you to survive another hit or 2 at very high levels as well as Rad and Toxin resistances. Yes, the game is that punishing :)

Hacking is your main ace in the hole against the odds by allowing you to access the systems
Cyber Affinity is the main stat that determines if you can hack the damn thing once you are able to interface with it.
Agility provides movement speed and slightly boosts your melee attack speeds and recoil dampening. (Although listed last on my listing, it makes the combat, especially melee, much easier so don't neglect it!)

Research is mandatory. Take the story related first level at Deck 3 and leave it at that. Just 1 point is enough to handle all the damage boost researches, which you should complete asap. (I don't remember if you need to have at least 1 rank or if you could ignore it by using a Research Assistant Implant, so try that first.)
Modify is another one point wonder skill that allows you to perform primary modifications for pistols, shotguns, rifles and grenade launchers. Don't bother with putting more upgrades on this skill and use the French-Epstein devices you find to make the tier 2 modifications on your chosen weapons.
*Maintenance provides Skill+1 amount of condition to non broken weapons as well as Skillx10 amount of extra charge for implants and other power consuming items so getting it to 4 is a good idea to keep your weapons and implants topped up.
That said, there are a few hidden unique guns (a Pistol, a Shotgun, a Rifle and a Laser Pistol) in the game that never break, regardless of their condition which reduces the utility of this skill by a large margin. Furthermore, during your journey, you will find additional implants which allow you to double the time between recharges at the cost of 1 inventory slot.

Heavy Weapons is an extremely unbalanced choice, especially post mid game as ammo becomes available due to the way Grenade Launcher works; Investing in this skill gives 15% damage per level past lvl 1 (the weapons requirement) on top of 35% (instead of the normal 15%) bonus from Sharpshooter upgrade and a total of 128% (100% for primary and an additional 28% for secondary) from the weapon mods, giving an end game specialist +238% damage.
If that wasn't enough, like pistols and rifles, it has access to both Incendiary (30 base damage to Organics, 7.5 to HalfMechs, 0 to Mechs) and EMP (40 base damage to Mechs, 20 to HalfMechs, 0 to Organics) ammo in addition to standard (20 base damage to all) grenades and proximity (10 base damage to all) mines which result in some hilariously sudden ends to enemies.
Heavy 6 also opens up the Fusion Cannon which ,despite it's model and name creating the expectation of a BFG, is extremely cheap to use and very effective against pests and small enemies, effectively replacing your sidearm...

The problem with this skill is the lack of ammunition to deal with enemies up until the mid game coupled with a much weaker melee damage output, which makes the early game a hell. And by the time you start finding a decent amount of grenades, (if you have specced into Standard Weapons) you will also have access to the Rifle and it's pile of bullets and high damage output, which makes the relegates the launcher into a curiosity item...

PSI... I won't lie, I love my PSI builds but man... It is so expensive...
Between the cost of the PSI (stat), unlocking the tiers and the powers themselves, the total price for PSI powers on impossible are so high that it can only provide a very limited amount of utility.
By the end game, you can, maybe, get your PSI (stat) to 3 which translates to the following utility list

T1: Psycho-Reflective Screen (1 psi, 15% damage reduction, 20 seconds + 30 seconds per Psi level )
T1: Psychogenic Cyber Affinity (1 psi, +2 Cyber Affinity, 1 minutes + 1 per minutes per Psi level)
T1: Psychogenic Agility (1 psi, +2 Agility, 1 minutes + 1 per minutes per Psi level)
T2: Adrenaline Overproduction (2 psi, + x1 melee damage modifier per PSI (so double damage for PSI 2, and triple for PSI 3), 10 seconds per Psi level)

~T2: Localized Pyrokinesis (2 psi, 15 seconds + 8 seconds per Psi level. Makes you immune to fire damage which completely negates those damn Protocol Droids! as well as red monkeys...)
~T2: Cerebro-Stimulated Regeneration (Allows you to convert your psi points to health on 1 Psi point to 1 xPsi level amount of hit points, effectively allowing you to convert PSI hypos you find (and have no use for) to Health Hypos)

~~T1:Kinetic Redirection (1 psi, pulls objects to you. There are a total of ,at most, 100 nanites, 30 bullets, a broken pistol and a shotgun and a few other knickknacks grabbable with this skill. Not really worth the 5 modules but it's your choice.)
~~T1: Projected Cryokinesis (1 psi, 3+PSI Damage. A possible replacement to bullets for hunting pests like worms, cameras and so on but not really worth it compared to the cost of a shotgun slug imo.)

As for the O/S Upgrades (4 in total), I would recommend Lethal Weapon (+35% Melee Damage) and Sharpshooter (+15% Ranged Damage) as your must have choices.
For the last 2 slots, Cybernetically Enhanced (Additional implant slot), Speedy (+15% movement and melee speed) and possibly Tank (+5 HP, which is nothing to sneeze at in Impossible Diff.) are all serious contenders.
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beat it like 10ish years ago, thought it was good then but idk if i could replay it, i remember i had to restart like halfway through the game because i didnt put enough points into tech lol

was good though, not sure if i could play it today but it was a fun game, i didnt play it on impossible though i think i played it on norm