T-Shirt help


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
I'd like to make a nice Fallout t-shirt, and would like it to have something to do with the Brotherhood of Steel.

I have a version of their logo to use on the front, but I'm stuck for a good image for the back of the shirt.

If anybody could suggest / post some ideas, it would be appreciated.

Well, you can find ideas while taking a look at the galleries of NMA. Here are the pics related to the BOS I think would look great :

on Nukacola.com you can find a lot of pics I uploaded myself for Fallout tactics (the best reference about the BOS)... some examples :


You could also create some kind of mosaic with some of the Fallout Tactics drawings (I extracted them all... can also be found on Nukacola.com)... just to give you an idea, of what a mosaic could look like (I did it very quickly so don't pay to much attention) :


Why not choosing the Fallout California map?


I hope it will help ya!
Holy crap, that is awesome.

You've given me a few that I'm going to have to choose from now... thanks SO much!
Wooz said:
*slaps McRae for posting Craptics pictures*

Why no love for Tactics? Wasn't it always hyped up as a spin-off tactical game?

Anywho, I like those pics that were posted.
Wooz said:
*slaps McRae for posting Craptics pictures*

I like these pictures. It's not my fault...

*McRae's shrugging*

P.S : Wooz, you can bite my Frenchy britton ass.