Table of Free Voices


It Wandered In From the Wastes
An organization known as Dropping Knowledge will be holding an event they call the "Table of Free Voices" on September 9. What is it?

On September 9, 2006, 112 of the world's most compelling thinkers, artists, writers, scientists, social entrepreneurs, philosophers and humanitarians from around the world will come together in Berlin, Germany, as guests of dropping knowledge.

Seated around the worlds largest table in historic Bebelplatz square, these inspiring individuals, renowned for their lasting creative or social contribution, will engage with 100 questions out of the thousands donated to dropping knowledge by the international public.

Using dropping knowledge's question-rating system, the public identified 500 questions as those most likely to initate open dialog on a social topic of most relevance to them. This group of questions will yield the final 100 Questions — representing a truly global sampling of cultures, themes and ideas — to be asked at the Table of Free Voices and beyond.

More interesting is this:

Thirty-eight meters in diameter, 119 in circumference, the Table of Free Voices incorporates a camera and microphone into each of its 112 places, allowing the complete responses of each participant to be recorded and catalogued as an individually searchable audiovisual portrait. Seed material of dropping knowledge's groundbreaking online Archive, the estimated 672 hours* of content generated at the Table of Free Voices will be transcribed, translated into numerous languages and made freely accessible to all in a variety of digital formats.*
*Bold mine.

Offical site:
Well... I have to catch my plane...

Nah... seriously.

Good idea.

Is the place where the table is placed nuke-protected or do they have a nuke shelter at all? :D
Vox said:
Is the place where the table is placed nuke-protected or do they have a nuke shelter at all? :D

Didn't your school teach you about duck and cover? They don't need a shelter with a table that big.
Signeon said:
Vox said:
Is the place where the table is placed nuke-protected or do they have a nuke shelter at all? :D

Didn't your school teach you about duck and cover? They don't need a shelter with a table that big.

No duck and cover for us. We are all still all scared of road accidents, and they still teach road safety at school. We haven't even advanced to drug and alcohol education yet, which is far behind ol' DUCK and cover.


Oh, by the way I was being sarcastic :lol:




Our school just tought us about NMA. :D

And how to protect yourself against spells, ninjas and incoming bullets.

But now we got off topic. :(
I smell punishment.

So... what do you expect of the meeting? Will they make our world better? Or maybe it turns out that all the people there are super-villains which want to destroy our planet... even more...?
I would hit that duck. Pretty legs.

That reminds me of the hippies congress in the 70s. 112? Too much people to debate. They are going to take days to answer a single question. We don't need answers to our problems. We need actions to solve the major world problems. Famine, diseases and etc. There are answers to solve these problems. What I really would like to see are programs to improve the welfare of mankind.

Maybe the most important question is going to be answered in this meeting.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
I don't think they're debating. I think they're just giving their own answer for each question.
I could be wrong, but that's the impression I got.
EyeMaster7 said:
We don't need answers to our problems. We need actions to solve the major world problems. Famine, diseases and etc. There are answers to solve these problems. What I really would like to see are programs to improve the welfare of mankind.
We already have a solution for all the problems of the world, we have more than 6 000 000 000 bullets in the world, what we need is a willing hand to take the action, to kill the people, enough of them. :evil: