RE: Tactics for dealing with the Pacification Robot and Node
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON May-18-01 AT 01:53AM (GMT)[p]Beating that pacification bot really takes a team effort. I rushed 5 of my six squad members into that room and opened fire. 2 M2s and three plasma rifles. Spread them out as far as possible. I got my team far apart, though I dont know how much of a difference it made. The PacBot only seemed to hit three at a time. I had to do this twice, because I lost 2 people the first time. The second time, 2 people got injured, but everyone lived and Stitch did his job. Just takes some time. Dos was really helpful since his critical rate is so good. he can knock the PacBot down, slowing its rate of fire. You may also want to use EMP shells with a Jackhammer if you got them...they can do great damage if you have someone bold enough to get close and burst fire a few times.
As for the nodes, there are charges and a detonator on some of the humanoid robots. Look for them on the road thats to the east of the starting place. Close to the first power node. There's a table nearby and the bot is hiding behind a car, I believe. However, you dont actually need to use those charges...I didnt. I simply cleared the entire map, then sent one team member to each node. When they were all in place, give them all the fire command. Of course, if you dont have a full team, you may mix that technique with det charges.