Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Anyone here play this online game? I ask because I do. It's a ship trading thing. I've already run into Skynet online as well as a few other Fallout people. Moonbiter actually runs an alliance too...
I ask because the game is resetting on November 1st and everyone is starting from scratch. The combat system is being overhauled and all sorts. So.... I was just thinking, anyone got an hour or two to spare playing a FREE online space trading/hunting/port raiding/planet conquering game?
Anyone? Anyone at all?
I usually get on during my lunch hour and it's pretty good. I've raided level 1 ports and recovered a few billion, destroyed a few other ships and made a bit of money trading. A lot of fun really. I'm actually interested in starting up an NMA (No Mutants Allowed) Alliance after the reset and was wondering if anyone would like to join?
Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)
Anyone here play this online game? I ask because I do. It's a ship trading thing. I've already run into Skynet online as well as a few other Fallout people. Moonbiter actually runs an alliance too...
I ask because the game is resetting on November 1st and everyone is starting from scratch. The combat system is being overhauled and all sorts. So.... I was just thinking, anyone got an hour or two to spare playing a FREE online space trading/hunting/port raiding/planet conquering game?
Anyone? Anyone at all?
I usually get on during my lunch hour and it's pretty good. I've raided level 1 ports and recovered a few billion, destroyed a few other ships and made a bit of money trading. A lot of fun really. I'm actually interested in starting up an NMA (No Mutants Allowed) Alliance after the reset and was wondering if anyone would like to join?
Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)