Tales from the Afternow


Saw this at Post Apocalpytic Media .

Narrated by Sean Kennedy and produced by Cimmerian, TFTA is an audio book style story of the realities of post-apocalyptic life at an undetermined time in our future. A future where corporations hold all the real power and people have been reduced to burning bodies to make spare change.

The show is broadcast every Tuesday night at 8pm PST / 11pm EST on Rantradio.

Sounds cool.

the afternow
Wild... I ejoyed the "US plans for robot troops in Iraq." lol
The US military is planning to deploy robots armed with machine-guns to wage war against insurgents in Iraq

Better yet this is a new topic lol
It's good. I began listening to it with the first episode, but about halfway through season 2 it has a different "feel". I haven't heard past the Nurome episode, so I can't judge the entire series. It's definitely worth a listen if you have some free time though. Anyway that's what I thought.

Oh, and also that this isn't what I'd imagine the main character in Tales From the Afternow to look like.

I'm not saying anything, just...