Talking Heads

Thanks guys!

Anyway, I'm re-imagining™ Rake...

But I wish he would have a somewhat different face, because I am using the 'old' Rake TH already. :p
Lexx said:
But I wish he would have a somewhat different face, because I am using the 'old' Rake TH already. :p

Agreed. The cloak-armor looks so badass, and so does the facial expression. But some meaner looking face would fit better. He looks too much like a "stay at home, do chores, help around" guy for him to wear that.
Is it just me or Rake's head been slightly modified also somehow I see it a bit narrowed but I like this change just like the new clothing, which looks cool.
Meanwhile I also reworked my head note there is no texture (finished) for the clothes also since my lightings were off I rendered him from a different approach the other pic doesn't have enough light sources and looks ugly but it has the vest or whatever it should be called I think it will be a textil cloth not leather...

Seriously, I think that making a head of Vic is hell...
Vic looks like badass, and making a "coherent" head will take time...
I remember that I've got a sketch for a eventual head, if only i've got some 3D modelling skills...

EDIT: Here
Just to let people know - Hakunin is getting a night-time version of his 'dying' talking head, it will be ready for the RP 2.2. Also many of the backgrounds to the talking heads will also have night-time versions - when applicable. (I always found it weird the backgrounds would display daytime even at night-time).
