Tandi NPC


First time out of the vault
I have been looking into making Tandi into a joinable NPC. I've seen it work with Klint in FO2, but am not sure what it will take to do this, let alone in FO1. So if you can, tell me what i will need to have and do to make this work please. also any help in actually doing it would be appreciated!
I think she work fine as a NPC as it is. You wanted her to have options like stay close. draw best weapon and stuff on her right ?
Im no modder but I think it might be possible. Although my opinion is that she isn't worth the modding

Try corpse cheat tool for fallout 1. It gives you the option to spawn critters as your NPC. Tandi aswell.
i am looking to make her a party member outside of resquing her. Id like to have it so that she is a more useful NPC, which is possible by modifying her skills and the way she handles combat, all this is in files in the game. preferably id have it where when you return her to shady sands, she does stay, but when you talk to her again, she deides that she would rather return to the wastelands, and maybe you might have to ask her father for permission (req. speech, maybe a small quest)
NinjaAssassin said:
i am looking to make her a party member outside of resquing her. Id like to have it so that she is a more useful NPC, which is possible by modifying her skills and the way she handles combat, all this is in files in the game. preferably id have it where when you return her to shady sands, she does stay, but when you talk to her again, she deides that she would rather return to the wastelands, and maybe you might have to ask her father for permission (req. speech, maybe a small quest)

To modify her skills you need to edit her prototype file; to do this you will need FUCK (Fallout Utility for Critter something?) and a hex editor. The prototypes in fallout 1 have 4 bytes (I think) less than fallout 2 prototypes, this is why you will need to add 4 bytes of zeros at the end of the file with a hex editor or FUCK won't open it. You will also have to remove this 4 bytes after you have finished editing for the file to work in fallout 1.

As to making her a permanent party member, it is possible but it would involve a lot of scripting work and you may or may not need to add additional global variables to the game for her script to work properly.

I suggest you try downloading my Cheatboy mod for fallout 1 from the downloads section, that allows you to add Tandi to your party after you have rescued her and lets you do heaps of other cool things.
It is simple, I have edited his script (to change dialog and that he got all party dialogs etc.) + added new entry to party.txt