First time out of the vault

the tanker captain in SF keeps telling me to "go help one of his friends" and refuses to actually have a conversation with me. i already helped out Badger by finding his girlfriend... and since i'm a hubologist, i can't help chip with his spleen (the doctor won't talk to you if you're a hub).
what do i do? i have the nav chip (not the FOB yet though) and can't seem to figure out what to do with it w/o talking to the captain
EDIT: i realize i can just skip ahead once i have the FOB, but i wanted to actually do it legit and talk to the cap'n
what do i do? i have the nav chip (not the FOB yet though) and can't seem to figure out what to do with it w/o talking to the captain
EDIT: i realize i can just skip ahead once i have the FOB, but i wanted to actually do it legit and talk to the cap'n