Tenpenny Tower *Spoiler*

Sushi Gatorade

First time out of the vault
So I know that if I convince the residents of Tenpenny Tower to allow the ghouls to move in, they will be murdered a few game days afterwards.

Is there any way to prevent this? One solution I heard was to murder Roy and Allistair before the massacre occurs.

Does this work?
Is there another way?
Take the consequences or solve it in another fashion, like killing those damn ghouls.
Actually I think if you kill Roy after the ghouls move in the humans still live, just do it when no one else is looking.
You have to kill Roy, and the other male ghoul (Who you talked to before getting the quest from roy) to prevent it. The other residents wont become hostile if you Kill roy on the top floor after tenpenny has died but before the ghouls kill all the human residents.
Argonnot said:
You have to kill Roy, and the other male ghoul (Who you talked to before getting the quest from roy) to prevent it. The other residents wont become hostile if you Kill roy on the top floor after tenpenny has died but before the ghouls kill all the human residents.

Wait, do they kill Tenpenny right away?