So the internet has become increasingly important in politics as a means by which folks can protest, voice their opinions, raise awareness and even draw petitions.
Ah, but terrorists love it too.
If you look for them, you can actually find their websites.
Al Qaeda merchandising? A picture of Osama on a T? The "Build your bomb" handbook?
I wonder of the Radical Right has figured this out and we can see skinhead/neo-Nazi merchandising as well.
What better way to show that you're an asshole?
Isn't this the problem with free speech. By allowing it you risk having people using it for malicious reasons?
But doesn't that also go to the basic question of the war against terror- what is the price you are willing to pay? And is selling out your rights to free speech worth the cost?
Ah, but terrorists love it too.
The internet
Apr 27th 2006
From The Economist print edition
“THE more websites, the better it is for us. We must make the internet our tool.” This could be a message from a chief executive urging his company to embrace the internet. In fact, these words appeared on a website used by jihadists and al-Qaeda for propagating violent anti-American propaganda.
As Gabriel Weimann, a professor at Haifa University, demonstrates in this book, the internet has become a tool of vital importance to terrorists around the world. His eight-year survey of terrorists' use of the internet found that the 40 organisations designated as active terrorist groups by America's State Department now maintain more than 4,300 websites.
If you look for them, you can actually find their websites.
The attractions of the internet to terrorists are obvious; it allows for cheap, anonymous, international co-ordination. More important, it enables terrorists to bypass the mass media and deliver propaganda directly. Modern terrorists, Mr Weimann notes, “are not necessarily interested in the death or injury of their direct victims as much as in the impact of this psychological victimisation on a wider public”. Terrorism is not just violence, but violence with a message. And the internet allows terrorists to deliver that message directly to the public in the form of text, such as statements from suicide bombers, or images and videos including gruesome footage of beheadings.
A terrorist group's various websites may be aimed at its supporters, at the population it purports to serve, at its enemies, or at wider public opinion. Many terrorist sites, Mr Weimann notes, resemble corporate websites, complete with mission statements, press releases and historical background material. Some even sell mugs, T-shirts, badges and other merchandise. Just as the website of a failing company will abound with euphemisms to hide the fact, some terrorist websites play down or omit direct references to violence, though others are highly explicit.
Al Qaeda merchandising? A picture of Osama on a T? The "Build your bomb" handbook?
I wonder of the Radical Right has figured this out and we can see skinhead/neo-Nazi merchandising as well.
What better way to show that you're an asshole?
Aside from communication—both with each other and with the public—terrorists use the internet to solicit money, recruit new supporters, distribute training and weapons-making materials and gather information about future targets. The bombers who struck in London last July relied heavily on the internet to plan their attack. But Mr Weimann is dismissive of the dangers of “cyberterrorism”—the much-hyped notion that attacks can be mounted over the internet itself, disabling power stations and other items of critical infrastructure by breaking into their computer systems. No such attacks have taken place, he points out, and no computers captured from known terrorists have even contained evidence that such attacks were being planned. Terrorists regard the internet, it seems, as a tool to facilitate real-world attacks, not an arena for terrorism in itself.
In which case, what can be done to prevent terrorists exploiting the internet? Just as they use electricity, cars and telephones, it would be surprising if terrorists did not use the internet too. It is important not to blame technologies for the misdeeds of their users—or to hinder the numerous beneficial uses of a technology by the many in order to prevent a small number of bad uses by the few. Some civil liberties should be traded for increased security, Mr Weimann suggests. But he warns that overly draconian surveillance of the internet's users, the vast majority of whom are not terrorists, would constitute a cure worse than the disease. He ends his book with a call for greater use of the internet as a peacemaking tool—an unconvincing conclusion to an otherwise informative and comprehensive analysis.
Isn't this the problem with free speech. By allowing it you risk having people using it for malicious reasons?
But doesn't that also go to the basic question of the war against terror- what is the price you are willing to pay? And is selling out your rights to free speech worth the cost?