First time out of the vault

That Tesla cannon sure pack a wallop! Sadly the distance I've been using it made it so VATS odds weren't that good and my AP only allowed me to do 2 shots. Improving that wasn't a priority so when my priority perks were picked and it took me a long time to decide, I thought of doing so. I'm not sure how reliable is Fallout Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia but it's what I've mostly been using. Looking at Commando, it wasn't listed so I did a bit of searching and found that Laser Commander covered more than what its name mention but not the subject of this thread (in title; "Though they do not shoot lasers, this perk affects").
Am I out of option with a plain Ultimate edition? If so I'm guessing I should try to get a mod for that overlook (a perk increasing VATS odds for that weapon). Should I try to find one that affect Commando? Or perhaps a new one entirely, which I'm assuming would affect other weapons (it would be kind of silly having 1 for 1) ? Or perhaps you have another way I could achieve a quite similar result.
Thank you kindly
Am I out of option with a plain Ultimate edition? If so I'm guessing I should try to get a mod for that overlook (a perk increasing VATS odds for that weapon). Should I try to find one that affect Commando? Or perhaps a new one entirely, which I'm assuming would affect other weapons (it would be kind of silly having 1 for 1) ? Or perhaps you have another way I could achieve a quite similar result.
Thank you kindly